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content aggregator tools
By CAROL SOBERS 2,471 views

Content Aggregators and There Rising Importance in Digital Marketing

Quality content is what outranks every other marketing tactic. This is the reason why content marketing is such an important aspect for marketers to pay attention to. When you display user-generated content with your own content, you provide your audience with a broader perspective. Often(but not always), marketers generally employ content aggregator which make their task of content aggregation really simple.

This article discusses in detail all about content aggregators and their undying significance in digital marketing.

Come let’s delve into.

What Is Content Aggregation?

Content Aggregation, in a nutshell, is collecting relevant information regarding a common topic, curating it, and finally displaying it to your audience in an engaging manner.

content aggregators

Content aggregation can be divided into 5 easy steps-

  • Discover- Identify the relevant content using hashtags or keywords or phrases that relate the most to your topic or brand.
  • Curate- After discovering the content, select the best quality content by eliminating the low quality or promotional content or content missing proper links or attributions. All this can be done by employing a good content aggregator which comes with moderation features.
  • Classify- Once the selection of information is complete, manage it with content aggregator tools which come with exclusive dashboards to manage and group your content as per your requirements.
  • Arrange- Manage your content in an easy-to-understand arrangement based on criteria like brand, topic, product commentary, etc.
  • Publish- Once done with all the above-said steps, it’s time to display your content to your audience. Either publish it on your website or concerned platforms or directly display it to your audience through a social wall.

Why Content Aggregators?

We all have read, “Content Is King” and that’s true.

But it does not mean that only original content can make it’s way up to the top of success charts.

A smartly discovered, curated, and customized user-generated content can also help you to strengthen your digital marketing strategy.

And, a content aggregator helps you a tonne in doing just that.


Here are listed a few such reasons that explain why having a good content aggregator is a must for any successful digital marketing strategy.

Come, let’s have a look.

  • Consistent Content Update Requirements-

When you run an active digital marketing campaign, there is a constant requirement of relevant content creation, updating, and publishing.

When your users find relevant content at your website, they keep coming back for more.

A content aggregator has the skills and infrastructure to manage the content requirement accordingly, keep the relevancy of the content intact, and thereby reduce your load by a significant amount.

  • Most Credible Content Sites Are Online-

In today’s digital world, every single credible content source like news publications, digital libraries, blogging websites, statistics sites, and others, everyone is online.

Given this advantage, a content aggregator can tap into each source and provide you with the best quality and relevant content for your marketing campaign.

  • If You Are Lesser Known, Content Aggregator Is Your True Friend-

If your brand or website is a newer one, with a comparatively smaller audience base, then a content aggregator might be your best shot to fetch relevant content, display it your current reader base, and expand it with the word of mouth marketing that follows.

  • Content Aggregators Are Like Floodgates For The Sea Of UGC-

Social media is like an infinite pool of user-generated content. While pouring out relevant content from it, you need to be careful enough to not to drown into its vastness.

A content aggregator makes sure of it. It fetches content according to the limit that you set, and the kind of content that you agree to. It acts like floodgates preventing you from the high tides of user-generated content.

Benefits Of Using A Content Aggregator

A content aggregator is not hyped for anything.

It is actually worth the hype.

A content aggregator entails many benefits. Some of those are listed below.

Let’s have a look.

  • Real-Time Content Aggregation

While running an active digital marketing campaign, content creation can be a daunting task as you are completely time-packed. Content aggregators allow you to collect real-time content from multiple social media platforms, news websites, and other content-related sites.

This allows you to display fresh, original, relevant, and dynamic content to your audience which they feel like engaging with.

  • Low-Cost Approach

Content aggregators are both time-saving and cost-effective.

A content aggregator reduces all efforts that are otherwise put into data discovery and analyzing, demonstrating and creating engaging content with lesser need of human editorials and mind storming for creativity.

  • Explores The Hidden Content

Social media is like an infinite pool of user-generated content.

In this crowd, sometimes, relevant content gets hidden or unexplored and remains unused. But a content aggregator, aided with advanced algorithms, taps the unexplored sites and mines for content there and brings for you really amazing and fresh content to be displayed to your audience.

  • Offers Variety, Hence Attracts Variety

content aggregation

A content aggregator fetches content from multiple sources like various social media channels, news media channels, blogs, and others.

So, in short, it offers you a variety of content that you can display to your audience. Your vibe attracts your tribe. More diverse your content is, more diverse is the traffic that it attracts.  Hence, you attract an audience even beyond your target base.

  • Encourage And Track Audience Engagement

A content aggregator not only presents your audience with diverse and dynamic content driving their engagement but also tracks audience engagement with the aggregated content that you are displaying. With the help of banners, tickers, amazing themes, moderation, and curation features, audience engagement can be encouraged while tracking that engagement helps you improve and amend your marketing strategies.

Carol sobers

Carol is an enthusiastic content curator who loves to write anything and everything about digital marketing and content marketing.

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