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Nainan Comedian

What Should a Comedian Know before an Event?

Every year, there are dozens of new comedy shows that startup and fade away. Organizing a comedy night is only half defying. What separates a flourishing event from the ones that come and go is horde. The successful comedy shows that run efficiently on the night comes down to scrupulous planning says Dan Nainan Comedian.

Whether you are hosting a one-off company event or running your own comedy show, cautious deliberation of all the factors is necessary. This is because there is truly nothing comical about a poorly organized comedy event. Following are some things to considerations before running a comedian event:

Dan Nainan

  • Laying out the location: Selecting and booking a venue is not enough. You should work with the venue executive in order to run the event smoothly. Discuss all the seating arrangement with the manager earlier and plan appropriately. You should avoid high stage in a small sized venue.
  • Theater lighting: Lighting the entertainers well is essential. Most of the time the event hosts overlooked this fact. Just think why would the viewer’s interest be drawn to the artist if the spectators are just as brightly lit? Hence, you will need at least two influential spotlights pointed at the stage. Furthermore, avoid putting lights straight in front of the stage as this will make it very thorny for the acts to see.
  • Sound system: Good sound is also critical to the performance. Most venues have an in-house sound system says Dan Nainan Comedian. You only need to connect a microphone to and use to play music before the event and during the intervals. In fact, you only have to bring your own microphones, mic leads, mic stands etc.
  • Look after technical issues: Before the viewers start arriving, do a complete technical practice to test the sound as well as lighting equipment. Think about where the entertainers will approach the theater from and ensure they have an obvious path. When the other comedians get there, make sure you or someone else is there to welcome them and illustrate them to the green room.
  • After the show: If your show is an ordinary one, sit down and has debriefed with spot organization and lift any matters you knowledgeable which can be enhanced next time. Actually, it is in the site’s attention for your events to be flourishing. So, they may also have some suggestions for improving the events.

Wrapping Up

It is essential for the entertainers to bond with the spectators in order to get the show hit. These are some things that comedian should consider given by Dan Nainan Comedian. Follow the above advice and host the best comedian event ever. All the best!

Dan Nainan Comedian

Dan Nainan is a 100% clean comedian, TED speaker, Tesla owner, performed in 28 countries & for Obama, Trump, Clinton, Woz, Bloomberg.

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