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8 Awesome Office Cleaning Tips that Work Wonders

8 Awesome Office Cleaning Tips that Work Wonders

Does your workspace look like a mess? Most of the times we get so busy with work that we completely forget about cleaning our surroundings. This results in a mess piling up in our office space, which eventually affects our productivity. Keeping your office clean should be a part of your routine, you either do it yourself daily, weekly or monthly. You may also try Office Cleaning by No.1 Junk Street, which will ensure that your workplace always remains tidy.

Having a clean place at work allows you to work harder and smarter. It also gives a good impression to others who pass by your workstation and see how organised and on top of the things you are. Here are 8 tips that will help you to keep your workspace clean and organised so that you have everything you need on your fingertips.

  1. Minimize Clutter

Start with getting rid of all the clutter that is making your workplace untidy. Most of the times the things that are creating the most of the mess around us are the ones we don’t use anymore. So sort your stuff and be honest to yourself about the things you really need and throw out or donate the rest. These can be those modern office accessories that are good to look at but have no use. Too many things lying around can divert your attention and make it hard to focus on work, so make sure to minimize all that clutter and make your workspace as clean as possible.

  1. Install a Trash Can at Every Corner

Another way of keeping not just one workstation but the entire office clean, is to install trash cans at every corner. An ideal workplace is supposed to have trash cans installed in such a way that each employee doesn’t have to take more than 10 steps to discard something in the trash can. When reaching the trash can will become easy, no one would hesitate in taking few steps to throw the trash. This will help in minimising wastage and will keep the workspace tidy and litter free. A bit of a movement will also make your employees more productive.

  1. Manage those Cords

Technology has made our life easier and provided us with solutions to get our tasks done rather comfortably. But, it has also added a great amount of mess in our lives in the physical state of intertwining, colourful, bulky chords living under our desks at work. No matter how clean your workspace is from above, if you have a pile of wires lying underneath, it will still give a messy view. Managing these chords is a much easier job than you expect. All you have to do is use some neat cable management tools that will hide all those chords. Using this simple step to hide all the chord chaos can make your office look tidier than ever.

  1. Get Rid of Paper Piles

One of the biggest contributions to your office mess is the piles of paper you have all around, on your desk, on the shelves, and even on the floor. If you are facing this issue, then not to worry, as the solution is quite simple. All you have to do is follow the three-action paper cleaning rule; shred/recycle, put it in a file, or keep it near your workspace. Start with checking out every single piece of paper, and then apply one of the three actions for each. If the paper is useless then shred it, if it’s useful then put it in a file, and if it is an important paper that you will be using every day then put it in near your workspace. Make files and documents and label them, have a proper storage for each file, like filling cabinets, desk trays or wall pockets. Piling up your paperwork before it spreads and makes a mess is a great way of staying organised.

  1. Declutter Your Desk

For most people, their work desk is like a kitchen table, a place where everything gets dumped. If you are one of those people then you must already be in a situation where you have to dig through a large pile of mess just to find one item. A dirty desk minimises your productivity and delays your speed of work. A simple way of keeping your desk tidy is by scheduling a daily cleaning time. We suggest you do this before leaving for home. If you clean everyday then there will be a very less chance of you creating a pile of mess. It’s better to get rid of all the stuff that is useless, or is just there because it looks good, only keep things on your desk which are essential and of everyday use.

  1. Clean your electronics regularly

Do you eat at your desk while working? While this may give your boss a good impression, but it is making your electronics dirty because of all the chunks that fall into them. Also dust has a liking for electronic devices, that’s why it easily builds up around them and is also quite visible. One simple way of keeping this mess away, is by giving your electronics a sweep on daily basis. Keep some wipes or a duster in your office, and regularly clean your monitor screen, keyboard, wires etc. This will keep the dust and debris away from your devices and will also make your workstation germ free.

  1. Assign a Place for Everything

The key to having a clean and organised workplace is by keeping everything in its right place. For this, you need to assign a place for all your things, from stationary to documents, and then label them so you have everything on your fingertips. Putting things in their right place will minimise the chances of cluster and will help you in staying on top of the things. Also, remember that you can have the need to add new items, so always leave some empty shelves or drawers so you can easily make room for the new comers.

  1. Fix a daily cleaning time

If you make cleaning a part of your daily routine, then you will always have a workplace that is extremely tidy and organised. Cleaning your workstation at the end of your office hours is perfect because you are already done with all the work and you won’t be having any more papers on your desk. What to do in this cleaning time? All the things we mentioned above, from organising papers to dusting your devices. If you are not a fan of cleaning, then select one task for every day, once you get in the habit then you might do all these things on regular basis.

Christine Rudolph

Christine Rudolph is a passionate Heath & LifeStyle blogger. She is an enthusiastic writer, inclined towards ever-changing trends. For more updates follow her on Twitter @RudolphBlogger.

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