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By JOE MAILLET 2,051 views

How to Clean your Student Apartment

You’re going to move into a student apartment and enjoy a bit of independence. As exciting as it may seem, there will be a few downsides to living away from home. One of the main downsides is the fact that you’ll need to clean your student apartment.

Unless you’re one of the few people who enjoys cleaning, you could find it hard to keep your new place clean. Do not worry, you can find some tips below that could help you to keep your student apartment clean with minimal fuss:

Create a Cleaning Rota

If you are going to live with other students, a cleaning rota might help. You could all get together and agree who should clean what and when. Be sure to divide the chores up fairly so that everyone does their bit.

You don’t need to give everyone chores every day. Just make sure that the communal areas such as the bathrooms, kitchen, and living areas are clean and tidy. Perhaps you could clean on a Saturday or whenever is most convenient to you.

Having a cleaning rota will make people feel responsible for the student apartment. This is a good thing as it will encourage them to deal with tasks that they’ll need to do throughout their life.

Do One Room at a Time

If you have more than one room to do or you live alone, do one room at a time. It’s always assumed that student apartments are hard to clean, but they don’t have to be. If you have the whole apartment to clean, you can make life easier by doing one room at a time. Start with the kitchen, for example, and clean it thoroughly before you move onto the next room.

Clean From Top to Bottom

No matter what room you’re cleaning, always go from top to bottom. If you don’t, you could accidentally spread the dirt and dust to an already clean area. This is just frustrating but it can be avoided.

Clean the shower, the shower curtain, and any shelves. Do the mirror, the windows, and then move onto something lower down such as a bathroom cabinet. When you’ve cleaned everything else, it’s time to clean the floor. Top to bottom is an easier way to clean.

Clean as you Go

One of the best ways to keep your apartment clean is to clean as you go. Let’s imagine you’re making dinner. You could put your used cutlery in the dishwasher, and you could put the condiments back in the refrigerator or cupboard. If you have spilled something on the countertop why not give it a quick wipe? When you were clean as you go, you’ll have less to do when cleaning day comes around.

Knowing how to clean your student apartment can help you to keep it looking and smelling good. You don’t have to let it get very dirty or untidy before you do something about it. Use the above tips to help you clean the apartment so it’s a more pleasant place to be.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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