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Gaming Mouse
By SUJAIN THOMAS 1,894 views

How to Choose Best Gaming Mouse for Overwatch

If we compare the past and present of PC mouse, we will surely be surprised: their evolution has been radical, from timid mouse to fierce super-mouse that have been greatly improved. All its technology has evolved to be faster, more precise and with more functions.

Today we are going to touch the topic of a mouse to play games. Sometimes expensive but on many other occasions quite cheap, a good mouse is a fundamental peripheral not only to play comfortably but also for daily use. What should we consider?

What characteristics it should have?

Of course they have become quite complex elements for the most novices in the field. There are mouse of a few dollars that fulfill their function, although it is obvious that those who spend long hours in front of the screen will appreciate a quality mouse.

Perhaps the most important feature is ergonomics, intimately linked with design . The shapes and their curves, and especially how it fits the hand. There are mouse with incredible shapes that surprise how comfortable they are. The comfort of use is essential, since the mouse is one of the two methods of computer input (the other would be the keyboard, about it we will talk soon).

Logitech M600 review

How to assess if a mouse is comfortable? There is no universal measurement due to the differences between the mouse themselves and, above all, in the sizes of the hands of the whole world. Personally I like big mouse that with their design separate the different buttons, although this is not more than a subjective evaluation. Ideally, if possible, try in-situ the mouse that interests you, either in a store (many establishments have test models for the public to “touch”) or at a friend’s house. You can also read this guide about Logitech best mouse for overwatch.


Another very interesting aspect is connectivity, where basically we will have two categories: wired mouse and wireless mouse. Some models – generally of higher range – are wireless but can be connected by cable, ideal to avoid the moments when we run out of charge.

Which to choose? A few years ago it was a torture to choose a wireless mouse (constant connectivity problems that meant that from time to time they were “disconnected”, something unthinkable in the middle of a game, they used to use specific transmitters connected by USB) but it must be recognized that in the nowadays they are quite reliable. In case of choosing a wireless it will be important to check what your battery system is: internal rechargeable battery through a base? Conventional batteries? The ideal is the first option.

Microsoft Wedge

If we bet on mouse with cable, we will save a few bucks (depending on the model, although they are usually more affordable than the wireless ones) in exchange for being ‘tied’. If this is not an inconvenience, go ahead: without problems of autonomy or battery and without possible disconnections. Generally gaming mouse usually include cables of up to two meters, more than enough to avoid pulling.

Razer Naga review

We went on to talk about a characteristic very common in gaming mouse, and that it is quite novel with a journey of a few years: the programmable buttons are a constant in all ‘category’ gaming mouse. Some only offer a few buttons, others more than the ten. Each manufacturer freely implements its programmable buttons, including the location in the mouse itself as well as the possibilities they provide. All are customizable through software (some support creating profiles, others do not …) and, in general, offer a fairly similar experience. Are you going to need programmable buttons? In what position would you like them to be located? With these two questions you can make an important screen and stay with a few models.

The weight of the mouse for example usually greatly affects the experience. If you buy a new mouse you will need to spend a first phase to get used to its weight, and in this way calculate the force necessary to move it (I remember that there is also a friction force motivated by contact with the surface, and although it does not seem every mouse it’s a world in this data). If you are not sure which is your favorite there are also some mouse that admit small weights to play with the total weight and adapt it to what we like the most. At first it will be difficult for you to aim at the last Call of Duty, then you will make headshots like churros.

Razer Manticor

Finally, another fundamental element: the mouse pad, although it may not seem so, is essential since it helps precisely one of the points mentioned in the previous paragraph: it helps to move the mouse more efficiently, so that the changes in the sensors are not abrupt and, in general, to offer a better performance. It is worth investing in a good carpet as there are high quality models for about 10 bucks. Size (there are half a meter in length), material of manufacture (fabric, plastics, metal …) or thickness (ideally the thinnest ones, right?) Are some of the parameters that you should have in mind?

With technology advancing every day, mouse are one of the most amazing tools of innovation to have kept up with the changes. The mouse is a great tool for those who do not have time to spare and need precision in their work. It is easy to get intimidated by these powerful devices, but luckily mouse manual are available online to anyone looking for more information on how to make the most out of their mouse.

Last Tip

Before buying any tech product or any other gadget online must read buyers guide on websites like saimdeals.com, they wrote amazing tips and comparison of different products that helps in buying and very low chance of loss.


Sujain Thomas

Sujain Thomas is a data IT professional who works closely with DBA experts to provide her clients with fantastic solutions to their data problems. If you need data IT solutions, she is the person for the job.

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