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Category: Stories

narendra singh plaha

Technology has greatly impacted our life. The Internet has taken the large portion of our time and absorbed the task of organizing the things for us.  We are so used to our electronic devices that we...

Caleb Laieski

Caleb Laieski, 21-year-old, a National Advocate and former 911 Dispatcher, has come up with the first-ever major national push to get more people in America engaged and involved in volunteerism. A qu...

Eric Goldie

Eric Goldie Media Industry is full of entertainment and excitements. People who associated with media industry are more susceptible to rumors and speculation. The latest news which is in the air abou...

Star of Media and Entertainment Industry

Media and Entertainment Industry Eric Goldie has started his career in entertainment and media industry six years back. Glamorous and Exciting world of fashion has inspired Eric to make his contribut...

Human Values

Hi all I am new to this stories site but here i am going to tell you all about my stories rather then a story this is a real time bad experience of human values. From childhood parents teach us abou...