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Category: News

Hudson Yards - Gaurav Mohindra

So after hearing about Hudson Yards for some time, I finally made my over to check out the hype.  To sum up the experience in one word – Impressive, says Gaurav Mohindra. Walking over from Penn St...


The political and religious ideologies run together nowadays because this world has become much complicated than anyone imagined. Sometimes, you need to use politics to appease religion and sometimes ...


The serious consequences of disturbance in countries alongside the Mediterranean Sea become apparent in the form of Islamic invasion into Europe. Right after the execution of Lybian dictator Muammar A...

Russia & China

Communism is a failed ideology that is adopted by progressive nations like Russia & China, but it never helped them to become superpowers like US & European Union nations. However, this ideolo...


Every parent wants their child to be successful in life. It is the duty of parents to prepare children for future challenges and for this purpose their aim should be to make the children accountable. ...


Nearly three lakh seventy thousand people have lost their lives in the continuous war in Syria for eight years in which the number of citizens is more than one lakh twelve thousand. This figure was re...

Western Media

Migration from Syria and other war-affected countries have become a big issue among global leaders. Saving these refugees is no doubt a big responsibility for everyone but people are not realizing tha...

Uber Freight

Uber announced the launch of Uber Freight in Europe today highlighting its entry into the 3rd largest marketplace for global logistics.  This news reinforces Uber’s commitment into the trucking mar...

Mission Shakti

India has registered its name as a space superpower by destroying a live satellite from an anti-satellite missile in space under “Mission Shakti” and India has become the fourth country in the wor...


Christians have already occupied large criteria of global population beyond the races of black & white. Muslims are right behind them and their core objective in every country is conversion whethe...