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Category: Entertainment

Woozy Wiper Music Band

Listening to music is actually a good hobby! After all, it produces a kind of pleasure which human nature can`t possess without. Listing to music along with playing has several benefits, i.e. healing ...

Woozy Viper Music

Similar to the obligation of an artist to appropriately perform with the graph before him, the provider of the graph also involve some obligation of supplying a suitable one. Woozy Viper listed belo...

Fundamental Exercises Every Drummer

Fundamental Exercises Every Drummer Is drumming your passion and you love doing that again and again? So do you take any step to enhance your drumming skills in a manner to improve your skills? Then...

Woozy Viper

While listening to your favorite rock n roll music track you might have come across think what all instrument are been used in composing such song. As you are able to hear a bunch of them from differ...

Woozy Viper

Music is an ingenious way of acoustic communication. When harmonized with musical instruments, it sounds pleasant. Probably, this can only be made possible with the involvement of Musical Band. The ba...

Marc Brattin Drummer

Marc Brattin Still in a struggle! After being involved in drum lessons and different practices? If yes, then you should follow our lesson to make progress and take your drumming to the next level....

Drummer Marc Brattin

Marc Brattin When you have started for practicing drum, you must have done on some basic loop which was already discovered long before. But as soon as you become an expert you have a desire to come u...

Woozy Viper Band

Many of us are born with the talents that help them to earn their living while some come with hidden talent. That they have found and improve as their passion or you could say hobby. Same was the case...

Woozy Viper Band

We are all found of music and have different taste for music depending upon are liking. Also we love to gather a collection of some golden music for all time. Thus for this reason Woozy Viper has trie...