Are you tired of spending a huge chunk of your money and time shopping for clothing you know won’t last? Today’s “fast fashion” trend revolves around the hope that buyers will keep purchasing cheap, low-quality trendy clothing. These clothing selections are usually only meant to last a few months. By next season, your super-trendy jacket or jeans may already be out of style.
If you’re tired of playing the fast fashion game, congratulations! You’re ready to build a wardrobe that’s functional, timeless, and will give you the most wear for your money. Here’s how to stop chasing trends and build a wardrobe that lasts.
Prioritize Comfort
Have you ever stuffed your feet into tiny stiletto shoes simply because that’s what was “in style”? If so, you know how uncomfortable it is to be a slave to fashion. Chances are, you won’t wear those shoes more than a few times in your lifetime. So, why waste your money on them in the first place? To build a wardrobe that lasts, it’s crucial to prioritize comfort over fashion.
For example, instead of purchasing uncomfortable wired push-up bras, invest in wireless bras made with soft and cozy materials. Contrary to popular belief, you can find bras that properly support you without restricting your ability to breathe or move naturally. The same goes for shirts, pants, and jackets. It may take more time to discover comfortable options, but they do exist and are worth finding!
Choose Quality Over Quantity
Are you the type of person who buys things just because they’re on sale or have a great sticker price? If so, it’s time to ditch that habit. Why settle for clothing you don’t absolutely love just to save a few bucks? Those cheap pieces will probably end up sitting unused in your closet once you realize how uncomfortable and unreliable they are. Instead, choose to invest in high-quality items made with durable fabrics and craftsmanship.
Quality clothing may cost a bit more money up-front. However, it’ll almost certainly save you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace it anytime soon. A quality piece of clothing should be made from pre-shrunk, anti-pilling fabric. It should also have fully finished hemlines (these are always folded over before being stitched). With time and practice, you’ll quickly learn how to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality pieces.
Build a Small Capsule Wardrobe
A capsule wardrobe is filled with a reasonable number of quality clothing pieces that complement each other. To build such a wardrobe, you’ll need to carefully select long-lasting items that can be easily mixed and matched. If done correctly, you’ll be able to create many different outfits from a limited number of pieces. Capsule wardrobes are designed to last and are highly sustainable. A basic capsule wardrobe should contain the following essentials:
- Button downs
- Long-sleeve shirts
- T-shirts
- Hoodies
- Tailored jackets/blazers
- Jeans
- Tailored pants
Ideally, each piece in your capsule wardrobe should be versatile and easy to dress up or down. For example, the black t-shirt you lounge in on the weekends can become part of your work attire when paired with a classy blazer.
Take Proper Care of Your Clothing
It’s not worth investing in quality clothing if you don’t know how to keep it in good condition. If you typically buy cheap clothes that can be used and abused until they’re thrown out, caring for quality clothing may be a foreign concept. But it’s important to learn the basics so you don’t unintentionally ruin a brand-new silk blouse or cashmere sweater. Here are a few basic steps to follow when caring for quality clothing:
First, always read care labels before washing, drying, or even ironing clothing. This label will instruct you on how to avoid shrinking, melting, or otherwise ruining the item. Turn your pieces inside out before washing to protect the outer fibers from fading or wearing out. Choose to air-dry clothing whenever possible. There’s no denying the convenience of dryers, but they can cause excessive wear-and-tear, shrinkage, and static cling.
Learn How to Repair Your Garments
Most people throw clothing away if it develops a hole along a seam or starts to lose a pocket. The art of sewing is quickly becoming a lost skill, which unfortunately leads to more clothing waste. Even if you’ve never picked up a needle and thread before, you can learn basic hand-sewing stitches. There are plenty of online tutorials to help you get started.
When it comes to mending clothes, the most important stitches to learn include the slip stitch, running stitch, whip stitch, backstitch, and herringbone stitch. The slip stitch and herringbone stitch will help you repair hems. The whip stitch is perfect for fixing busted seams or fraying edges. A running stitch is one of the quickest ways to repair almost any hole. Finally, a backstitch will help you make strong repairs on high-stress seams so they’re less likely to unravel again.
Fast fashion may be trendy, but it’s not smart or practical. It’s also not great for the environment because it leads to excessive waste and controversial manufacturing practices. If you’re ready to save money while feeling better about your fashion choices, use these tips to build a wardrobe that lasts.