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Brooklyn shootings
By GRACIE HART 2,088 views

NYPD Officials Charged 32 Gang Members Associated With Brooklyn Shootings

Brooklyn Shootings Updates

From amazing nightlife to stunning beaches, huge shopping centers, lush green parks, delicious food, and beautiful museums, Brooklyn, New York’s most populous borough is known and famous for many good reasons. Every year thousands and thousands of travelers visit Brooklyn to explore the culture and heritage of this captivating place. 

However, over the last few months, Brooklyn is in the top headlines of every news channel for a negative reason. There are many shooting incidents taking place in Brooklyn, killing and injuring a number of innocents. 

In this blog, we have highlighted the key facts about 32 gang members who have been charged by prosecutors for different Brooklyn shootings & other crimes. 

Let’s get started.

NYPD Officers Charged 32 Gang Members Associated With Brooklyn Shooting Events

It was on Tuesday, 15th November 2022, when NYPD officers busted and charged 32 members linked with the Brooklyn shootings and other crimes. The 32 members belong to two different rival Brownsville-based gangs—WOOO and CHOO who have wreaked havoc across the beautiful city of Brooklyn.

13 members are from the WOOO gang and 19 are from the CHOO gang. As per the reports, the members have been responsible for 19 shootings out of which two were very fatal and life-threatening incidents and one that injured a 3-year-old girl. The alleged 32 gang members have been charged with 106  criminal counts.  

3-Year-Old Toddler Shot While Leaving Daycare

It is quite true to say that crime has no religion, race, caste, and above all no humanity. It was in the month of March 2022, when a 3-year-old girl was shot while leaving her daycare. It was the evening time when a gunman shot a bullet at a toddler while she was leaving her daycare with her father in Brooklyn. 

The incident took place after 6 p.m in the evening near 127 Riverdale Avenue in Brownsville. The bullet hit the girl’s shoulder and she got injured. However, after the incident, NYPD officials immediately arrived at the Brooklyn shooting place and took the girl to a nearby hospital.

Even the heartbreaking photos of the girl’s blood-soaked t-shirt and a hoodie were released, indicating that she got badly injured. The girl’s half-sleeved lettering shirt said, “I’m cute, Mommy’s cute, Daddy’s lucky” while her gray hoodie had a rainbow and the words “always believe in you”.

As per the cops, the suspect fired 5 bullets before escaping. If reports are to be believed, the suspect’s name is Daleek Habersham, a CHOO member, who wanted to shoot a bullet at a WOOO rival. However, in the process, shot the toddler. It is still not clear who he was aiming at but surely the girl and her father were not the targets. The following day after the incident Habersham even shared a photo of a news story with the message “did bad”.

As per a daycare worker, apart from the little girl, there were other two kids present at the shooting location but were unharmed. 

Total 27 Criminal Incidents

As per the reports, both rival gangs have been responsible for a total of 27 criminal events that took place anywhere between the spring of 2020 and 2022. The 27 incidents even include the fatal 19 Brooklyn shooting events, injuring kids, adults, and seniors. 

The NYPD officials busted both gangs with 27 firearms. As per the reports, the conflict between both gangs was sparked after the murder of Shamel Boomer, a WOOO member. To seek revenge, WOOO also targeted CHOO.

They even started a blood-soaked movement known as “Boomin’ for Boomer” on social media. In response, CHOO also gave a harsh response against WOOO gang members or those suspected to belong to the gang. An illicit CHOO member wrote on social media, “Rule number one if You see A woo start clicking,”.

What NYPD Officers Think About Rival Gangs & Brooklyn Shootings 

As per NYPD officials, the rivalry of both gangs has threatened the different parts of Brownsville for quite a long time. The gangs consist of different subsets operating out of a variety of public-housing complexes in Brownsville. 

WOOO gang looks after Seth Low Houses, Langston Hughes Houses, Van Dyke Houses, Glenmore Plaza, and Brownsville Houses. On the other side, CHOO holds control over Tilden Houses, Newport Gardens, Howard Houses, Marcus Garvey Village, and Riverdale Towers. Both gangs have a long-running rivalry and it is not going to end anywhere anytime soon. 

According to Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez,” The shootings and the disregard for human life by these gang members didn’t just cost the lives of fellow rival gang members, but also terrorized law-abiding citizens and residents of our community.”

As per officials, they are trying their best to get rid of these types of individuals from Brownsville, Brooklyn to make it a safer place to live for residents and families. Moreover, busting and accusing 32 gang members only shows how committed the officials are to finding, arresting, and prosecuting any suspect taking part in criminal gang activities.

Gracie Hart

Freelance Writer, Digital Marketer, and Content Writer

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