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Brake checking
By GRACIE HART 1,435 views

Brake Checking in Florida: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe on the Roads

Brake checking is a dangerous behavior that some aggressive drivers in Florida use to intimidate other drivers on the road. This tactic involves suddenly slamming on the brakes, often without warning, in front of another vehicle. If you have been a victim of brake checking, it’s essential to understand the consequences and what legal options you have.

It’s crucial to maintain your composure and refrain from making eye contact with the aggressive motorist if you find yourself the target of a tailgating or too close following. On Florida roadways, aggressive driving may take many different forms, including brake checking, so it’s important to be alert to other possible dangers like weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights, and speeding.

You can contribute to ensuring your safety and the safety of other road users by driving defensively and according to the law.

Reckless Driving Can Get You 90 Days in Jail in Florida

Reckless driving is a very risky habit that endangers other people’s lives. This means that the driver is fully aware of the potential danger of actions such as brake checking but chooses to ignore it anyway. In Florida, reckless driving can get you 90 days in jail which includes up to $500 in fines.

Brake Checking in Florida: What is it?

Brake checking is an aggressive driving tactic that involves suddenly slamming on the brakes in front of another vehicle. It can be an attempt to intimidate the other driver or cause an accident. It’s important to be aware that brake checking is extremely hazardous and can lead to serious accidents involving one or more vehicles.

Reckless Driving Laws in Florida

Reckless driving is a severe offense in Florida that may put you in jail or result in hefty penalties and license points. Driving recklessly is defined by Florida law as having a knowing or willful disregard for the safety of another person or property. If caught driving irresponsibly in Florida, you might face serious consequences.

Penalties for Reckless Driving in Florida

If you are convicted of reckless driving in Florida, you could face the following penalties:

  • A fine of up to $500
  • Up to 90 days in jail
  • Points on your driver’s license
  • Suspension or revocation of your driver’s license

A reckless driving conviction might result in additional punishments beyond this, such as increased insurance costs and trouble obtaining a job.

Civil Consequences

Florida uses no-fault auto insurance, meaning that you cannot pursue a claim against the at-fault driver for minor injuries. However, if you have significant injuries and damages exceeding your PIP policy limits, you can pursue a claim against the at-fault driver.

It’s important to note that Florida uses comparative negligence to allocate liability after an accident, which means that there can be multiple at-fault drivers responsible for a percentage of the cause of the accident.

Alternatives to Brake Checking in Florida

According to AAA, when someone tailgates your vehicle, you should de-escalate the situation by allowing the tailgater to pass. Avoid engaging with aggressive drivers and instead focus on getting to your destination safely.

Why You Should Report Brake Checking

If you witness brake checking on the roadways of Florida, you should report it to the authorities immediately. Reporting brake checking to the authorities is crucial for ensuring the safety of all drivers on Florida roads.

By reporting brake checking, you are helping to prevent future incidents and holding reckless drivers accountable for their dangerous behavior. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t hesitate to report any instances of brake checking you witness while driving on the roads of Florida.

Seeking Legal Help

If you have been injured in an accident caused by another driver’s brake checking, contact Allen Law Firm for a free consultation by calling (877) 664-4149. You can count on our team of skilled lawyers to be there for you whenever you need them, day or night, while you pursue justice and financial recompense for your losses.

How to Avoid Being a Victim

To avoid being a victim of brake checking in Florida, it is essential to stay calm and avoid tailgating. Maintaining a reasonable distance and refraining from honking or flashing your headlights will help keep you safe on the road if you’re stuck behind an unsafe driver.

Bottom Line

Brake checking is a serious issue on Florida’s roads that can have devastating consequences. It’s important to understand the legal consequences of reckless driving, including brake checking, and know how to protect yourself from aggressive drivers. Remember to always stay calm and focused on driving safely, avoid tailgating, and report any instances of brake checking to the authorities.

If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by another driver’s brake checking, seek legal help immediately to protect your rights and seek justice for your losses. Stay safe on the roads of Florida and always prioritize safety over aggression while driving.

Gracie Hart

Freelance Writer, Digital Marketer, and Content Writer

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