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online reputation

A Guide to Better Online Reputation Management

When it comes to online reputation management, people have different opinions. Some think it’s just about what is being said about you on social media while others think it’s just a matter of public relations. And there is the group that doesn’t know what it means and the impact it has on businesses if it’s not put into consideration.

This guide by SEO and ORM expert Alan Safahi will help you better manage your and your company’s online reputation management. 


Online Reputation Management

Be Conscious of what is being said About you Online

You have to be up to date about almost everything being said about your business online- questions, reports and people’s reviews, either good or bad.  This should be the first mechanism to put in place so as to know when there is an imminent threat to your online reputation.

React to Criticism and complaints politely and professionally

“When you are criticized or when a complaint is made, reply to them in a very polite and professional manner,” says Alan Safahi.  “This not only de-escalates the situation but also sends a signal to the public that you are concerned about what your customers feel about your brand and are willing to improve on ways to serve them”.

Learn from past mistakes

Issues that have been addressed before should not pop up again.  You have to make sure that mistakes are not repeated or else people start to think you don’t have proper policies and procedures in place which is bad for business. Customers love brands that are progressive and are always evolving for the better.

Work on the points your critics make 

This might not go well with a lot of brands, but then in order to project a good online reputation you have to be able to entertain constructive criticism and work on them to better your brand even if it’s difficult. There should always be room for growth.

Go after people who spread false information about your brand

There are a lot of detractors on the internet nowadays spreading different kinds of untrue information and fake news. Any time this is spotted it is best if you meet them head on. Call them out and threaten them with legal action if possible. Make them understand that you are against any form of fake news and misinformation, which sends strong warnings to anyone or any group that might want to do that in the future.

Lastly Alan safahi believes that nobody can do it all by themselves. It’s good to ask for help if you sense that you are not holding up your online reputation management well. Meet professionals, ask them for advice and if you are capable of employing a professional, then that’s even better. A lot of brands think online reputation management is not important and oftentimes they just do little or nothing about it, hoping that the negative post or news go away on their own.

Times are changing and the world is a global village now and everything stays online forever. It’s not wise to totally ignore how your band perceived online.

Alan Safahi Orinda CA

Alan Safahi is an Iranian-American entrepreneur and six-time startup founder with over 30 years’ experience in the information technology, telecommunications and financial services industries.

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