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CNC machining techniques
By MIKE HAYNES 1,665 views

What are the best CNC Machining Techniques?

With the advancement in technology, there are a lot of the latest 3D printing machines developed today. From injection molding to selective laser sintering, there is a wide variety of parts fabrication techniques emerged.

However, CNC (computer numeric controlled) machining still stays at the top of the best part manufacturing techniques list. It has gained immense popularity over time. And that has become possible due to its ability to manufacture a large volume of raw materials into finished parts. Hire reliable prototype CNC machining services.

From plastic to metal manufacturers, CNC machining techniques have been widely embraced by several designers, engineers, and manufacturers. Here we are presenting top prototype CNC machining techniques involved in the parts manufacturing process. So let’s have a look:


Turning is the first CNC method in which the part is tightly clamped onto a mandrel (a turning device). As soon as the part starts rotating, a cutting device is activated and this basic technique results in the removal of a significant amount of unnecessary materials.

In addition, lathes work by forming round shapes on the outer surface of the raw material. These shapes can vary from ring grooves to cylinders and shafts.


Unlike turning CNC technique, milling involves a spindle that is composed of a number of cutting devices that covers X, Y, and Z axes. The part, which has to be manufactured, is placed horizontally on the table.

In this process, the workpiece does not move from its position, instead, it is the cutting device that moves around the spindle following X, Y, and Z axes.

Even though the milling machine is also capable of drilling holes, they are mainly used to correct the asymmetrical shape of the workpiece and give a smooth surface and the required shape to the manufacturing part. Basically, it is the turning and milling techniques that are responsible for carrying out most of the CNC machining operations.

Surface Grinding

When it comes to manufacturing the metal parts, the first factor that every manufacturing unit consider is giving it a flat and appropriate surface. It becomes pretty essential to give a flat surface to the metal parts as these components are used in a wide variety of household, industrial, and commercial applications.

The surface grinding process in CNC machining is responsible for metal surfacing. A grinder is a rotating wheel that flattens the surface of a metal. Basically, the material is placed on the table (under the grinder).

The manufacturer moves the workpiece back and forth under the spinning wheel (some manufacturer prefers to hold it tightly while the disk is activated). As temperature and mechanical pressure can negatively affect the workpiece, proper care has to be taken while using this tool.

CNC machining has gained popularity because of its plethora of part processing techniques. There’s no doubt that most of the manufacturing units have embraced CNC machining techniques to get their parts manufactured with perfection.

From cutting unnecessary parts to giving the right shape and surface to the workpiece, this computer-based manufacturing technique can manufacture any type of part.

Mike Haynes

Mike Haynes is the executive Vice President of Machine shop. Prior to Machine shop,Mike Haynes is a writer has a deep knowledge about industrial growth,helped many business owners through his blogs.

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