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Father’s Day
Father’s Day
By MANISHA GULERIA 2,474 views

Bells are ringing on the Door – It’s Father’s Day

Father’s Day

The day of celebration bells are ringing on the door – That is Father’s day on 18 June, Sunday. Father’s day celebrated every year on 3rd Sunday of June since 1966.  This Father’s day honor Father with lifetime momentum. Take some time out from the schedule and have a conversation with him. Spend quality time which he enjoys the most.

We raise under the love of mother while father on the other hand busy in earning hard to fulfill our basic needs and luxurious desires. There are very little memories we have with the father than the mother because he works hard all life so that we can enjoy, study, and do whatever we want to do.

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society”.

Billy Graham

Including child’s emotional stability depends upon His or her father examples. Reason-

“A Dad is a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love”.

We can easily show our Love gestures to the mother instead of the father. Therefore here is the right time to show your love and honor to Father as well because – It’s Father’s Day.

This father’s day present father with the lifetime memories instead of gifts. Hereupon few ideas which father will defiantly Love:-

  –  Make a Thank you card:

U R Best

Show loving gestures by making thank you card. Tell him how important he is in your life. Honor him for all his love, care and sacrifices he made.

 –  Spend some quality time:

Spend some quality time together. Do- what he does love to do?

– Make gratitude collage of old pictures for him:

Make a collage of old memories and show the love you have for him.

– Dedicate a song:

Dedicate a song and Sing for him. If you are bad in singing still he defiantly loves this. Instead of this you can make a list of his favorite songs and play them for him.

– Give him lifetime experience:

Give him lifetime experience by surprise like doing something new together which he never did in his life before.

lifetime experience

I do agree with myself that it’s not a single day that you need show your love for your father. You can make every day special for your father like Father’s day because we do all love our father. This day is also simple as other days but in this busy world where no one has time, it’s simply a way to manage and take some time out with our loved ones to make them happy.

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