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Author: William E. Lewis Jr

William E. Lewis Jr

Bill Lewis is principal of William E. Lewis, Jr. & Associates in Vero Beach, Florida, a solutions based professional consulting firm specializing in the discriminating individual, business or governmental entity

credit score

Today, carrying a credit card is no big deal, but how you utilize it makes all the difference. Most people do not know the right way to use a credit card, as a result, the credit score starts declinin...

credit-Counseling Services

Whether you want to build your credit, need help in preparing your budget, struggling to pay off debt, experts like William E. Lewis Jr of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, advice folks to choose credit cou...

radio host-radio talk show

Talker’s magazine is one of the leading trade publications serving the talk media industry in the United State America. In fact, each year the magazine compiles a list of the top radio talk show hos...

Political Consultants

Election campaigns are tricky to establish and run. In fact, for individuals who have been in the game for long cannot predict the atmosphere for the upcoming election says William E. Lewis Jr of Fort...

Id Theft Services - William E. Lewis Jr

A lot of services available that employers can offer to workers following a breach of their data. Most of the employers don’t completely comprehend the dissimilarity between identity-theft service o...