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Author: TraceyC


Tracey Clayton is a working mom of three girls. She’s passionate about fashion, home décor and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.

workplace safety

Regardless of the type, size, and location of your company, there’s one thing every entrepreneur needs to know – making sure your staff is safe in their workplace is one of the most important thin...


Coming back to school is often exciting and seen as the time of new opportunities. However, when the initial excitement wears off, you’ll find yourself with the daily grind that is studying and prep...

kitchen remodelling

Your kitchen is your sanctuary and it needs to have the right feng shui in order for you to feel entirely at home there. When it comes to remodelling your kitchen, your primary concern needs to be fun...

small business Productivity

You can’t expect to make any progress with your business without a high level of productivity. It means that both you and your colleagues must be on the same, high-performance track. However, in any...


If you’re just preparing to start your Asian exploration trip, Taiwan is a perfect place for your first stop. This versatile, fun and the culturally rich island is heaven for all types of tourists n...

real estate Construction Development

With so many people switching homes, it’s natural we got to see experts in real estate and construction development come up with new ways of doing things. This produced new trends companies in these...


Even though many people perceive taking care of themselves as selfish (especially if those people are married women with children), the truth is that self-care is the base for a healthy and strong rel...

medical practice

Market demand for professional healthcare has exploded over the last couple of years. Business-disrupting health reforms, overburdened healthcare system and seniors demanding better care are just some...