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Author: Shiva Kushwaha

Shiva Kushwaha

Shiva Kushwaha is a lead blog writer, blogger & content marketer, he publishes and manages the contents on many blogs. Shiva writes about lifestyle, technology, travel, health and more. He has been in the marketing industry for 5 years and with a very valuable experience in this industry, He has marked his footprints as a renowned guest blogger in Delhi.

digital marketing company

Twitter is considered a complicated marketing channel by many branded marketers. But the fact is – you can’t avoid thinking about this platform when you are designing a social media marketing stra...

Veterinary laser therapy

Veterinary laser therapy has spread through the animal medicine world like wildfire. Many veterinarians have jumped on this bandwagon and have started purchasing laser therapy equipment en masse. They...

Lean six sigma training online

Lean Six Sigma is a set of methodologies and principles which seek to improve the functioning and management of businesses and organizations. It provides many tools and techniques with which companies...

data analytics course

Do you know that analytics is one of the few professions that has been gaining new heights of popularity despite the fact that worldwide economy is facing the issue of recession in the coming months d...

man sleeping

Has someone ever told you that your sleeping position and the mattress you sleep on plays a vital role in getting your perfect sleep? Many of us are unaware of the fact that there are different mattre...

deep learning

Businesses of all sizes, be it a high-tech startup company or multinational giant, see artificial intelligence as one of the most crucial aspects that can help them in making most of the progressively...

College students studying together in a library

The emerging developments in the domain of digital technology have played a contributory role in making the world around us well-organized and resourceful. There is no denying the fact that it is har...

groin pain

Are you silently going through groin pain? Well, there many people who feel embarrassed discussing the groin pain related issues and suffer silently. Groin pain basically gets triggered due to differe...

accenture data analyst

Accenture quoted its Q2 2019 results, and it was among the highest compared to its competitors. The company attributed its success to the growing dominance of its BI and Data Analytics team which is n...

data analytics

The field of data analytics has come a long way over the last decade and is now almost indispensable for any organization. From gathering business intelligence to getting in-depth insights, data analy...