Sean Williamson

Sean Williamson lives in New York City and calls himself the 'tech-bro', given his special interest in everything that's digital. Besides writing for major technological sites in the spare time, he likes to stay on top of the latest developments, especially in the field of smartphone tech. His dream to create an app that solves if not all, at least some of the major problems faced by people at large. He works as a writer in a company.

WhatsApp Security Loopholes: Finding the Alternatives to the Chat Application

One of the largest social media applications for chatting, WhatsApp, claims to be a secure platform for social interaction. However,…

5 years ago

Affordable Ways to Make the Most of Weekend

We all want to relax and have fun on weekends but fewer efforts do we put into making the most…

5 years ago

5 Eco-Friendly Companies Beating the Plastic Pollution with their Products

Plastic is a paradox, i.e. it is a blessing and a curse at the same time. While on the one…

6 years ago

15 Genuinely Practical Ways to Make Money as a SAHSM

No one said it would be ‘easy’. Some went as far as to state that it would be ‘impossible’. Yet,…

6 years ago