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Author: Rao Amit

Rao Amit

News and Content writer with 2 Google News Publications. Tweet liked PM Narendra Modi. Health & Personal care, Herbal & Non-herbal medical writing, IVF, Automobile, Politics, Taxation, Management.

During night sleep, our body series physiological changes switching to revival mode. Not only skin repair, but psychological repair, and restoration happen, that benefits health. It's a proven, researched, and experimented fact that quality night sleep helps gain fair, and fresh facial features. Even the Dermatologists recommend a minimum 7-8 hours-night sleep for healthier skin.

WHY NIGHT SKIN ROUTINE IS IMPORTANT – KNOW HOW Maybe the secret behind sleeping beauty's beauty is her beauty sleep. Quality sleep really does the beauty magic. Let the mirror show you your worst f...

UV radiation

What You need about Hyperpigmentation Skin is the largest sense organ common in both men, and women. But skin differs on several parameters like structural, functional, and on other aspects. The skin...

AI Social Media recognition

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIAL MEDIA RECOGNITION FAILURE The least desirable events that tails back to back starting with the corona invasion in 2019. The mechanism of AI Social Media recognition in ...


EMBRYO GLUEING IN IVF– Ways to Embryo Implantation The novel reproductive technology sprouts hope in couples who are not fortunate to conceive naturally. To have their dream come true, novel repro...

Social Media

BLISS OF SOCIAL MEDIA 4 PILLARS OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY AMIT RAO – VLSS are success elements that crown online social platforms surpassing all forms of print media & News Channels. Social Media ...