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Author: Alan Safahi Orinda CA

Alan Safahi Orinda CA

Alan Safahi is an Iranian-American entrepreneur and six-time startup founder with over 30 years’ experience in the information technology, telecommunications and financial services industries.

Amazing Apps

The world has gone digital, and the business world is not left out. The productivity of a company is essential to check the activity and management.  One of the greatest successes of app developers ...

Successful Entrepreneur - Alan Safahi

Being a successful entrepreneur requires a lot more than having a good idea.  Having the best idea is a good starting point, but you have to put your ideas into actions, taking note of the following...

growing startup

Growing your Startup doesn’t happen by magic. If you have a business idea and want to grow it into a business, there are some essential tips you shouldn’t miss to make it successful.  Ever...

online reputation

When it comes to online reputation management, people have different opinions. Some think it’s just about what is being said about you on social media while others think it’s just a matter of publ...

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of putting strategies in place that influence the perception and reputation of a brand or company in their online presence. It must be noted that ORM...

Search Engine Optimization

To website owners, visibility is as important as content itself. Similarly, for business owners, “the success of the business may hang solely on its site's visibility.’ according to 6X startup fou...


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has to do with upgrading contents so that they can be found in search engine results. Search engines consider quite a number of factors before they rank sites for sear...

off SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around for almost two decades and accounts for a large portion of traffic to successful websites. “Nowadays, optimizing website pages for SEO is even more i...

Startup Founders

You’ve successfully launched that award-winning website that looks like the best thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. And you’re waiting for the whole world to start storming your space. ...

Social Media

Many of today’s consumers spend the majority of their time on social media. It’s become easier than ever for businesses or individuals to get feedback on their products and services, and to increa...