Alan Safahi Orinda CA

6 Amazing Apps to Increase Business Productivity

The world has gone digital, and the business world is not left out. The productivity of a company is essential…

4 years ago

What it takes to be a Successful Entrepreneur

Being a successful entrepreneur requires a lot more than having a good idea.  Having the best idea is a good…

4 years ago


Growing your Startup doesn’t happen by magic. If you have a business idea and want to grow it into a…

4 years ago

A Guide to Better Online Reputation Management

When it comes to online reputation management, people have different opinions. Some think it’s just about what is being said…

4 years ago

Dos and Don’ts of ORM

Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of putting strategies in place that influence the perception and reputation of a…

4 years ago

SEO Versus PPC

To website owners, visibility is as important as content itself. Similarly, for business owners, “the success of the business may…

4 years ago

SEO Versus SEM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has to do with upgrading contents so that they can be found in search engine results.…

4 years ago

Onsite vs Offsite SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around for almost two decades and accounts for a large portion of traffic to…

4 years ago

SEO 101 For Startup Founders — Basics of SEO for a New Website

You’ve successfully launched that award-winning website that looks like the best thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. And…

4 years ago

Social Media vs. Online Reputation Management

Many of today’s consumers spend the majority of their time on social media. It’s become easier than ever for businesses…

4 years ago