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Chandrayaan - 2
By ADA BENTON 2,166 views

And Moon here we Come!

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has sent the moon towards Chandrayaan-2 space. This vehicle was released from the space station of Sri Hari Kota at 2 pm and 43 minutes under the leadership of ISRO president, Shivam. Traveling 3 lakh 75 thousand kilometers this will land on the moon’s South Pole n September 2019. India’s prowess is well known and in fact it’s high time, the world accepts it rather than suppressing it. India has been a country of priceless knowledge.

As Saint Ram Rahim Ji often says India’s ancient past is glorious. Where we knew to fly thousands of years in advance and Ravana used to carry a nuclear bomb on his shoulder, which he could not just launch but even call back if he decided to. And it has been shown time and again, that even the first flight made by the world is based on our ancient wisdom. Time has come, the world learns a few lessons from this Guru Nation.

Now let’s see what makes Chandrayaan -2 special

600 kilograms of weight has been added to this vehicle. In fact, during the experiments, it has been found out from satellite when the moon’s part which this vehicle is supposed to land is reached, this will start moving. So the load had been increased. Now its total weight along with scientific equipment and satellite is 38 quintals. Indigenous GSLV Mark will deliver three rockets to space having 3 parts to it.

Chandrayaan 2

Lander, Orbiter, and Rover.

Pragyan the rover is very important here. It will get to work after landing on the Moon’s the South Pole. This is a unique aspect. This is the part of the moon, where no-one has landed before and India is attempting it for the first time. The job of Pragyan is to find water and minerals on this surface here. The hypothesis of finding the helium on the moon and solving the problem of energy through the fusion method on Earth is in the minds of scientists. Actually, there is a deep dark and silent climax on the moon right now. Using artificial methods, power will be created. Here life-giving elements i.e. Air, water and fire are not present. Therefore, there is no life too.

Here 1 day equal to 14 days. Although it’s a bit weird that despite all this, the world’s scientists are busy preparing to settle humanity here. But you never know what humanity is capable of, we can only wait and see.

Well, before knowing the conditions of living on the Moon, understand its geographical position. Moon is the closest home to the Earth. So the eagerness to know this has always been the quest of astronomers. Actually, when the earth came into existence, the paradox of the moon parallel to it was believed. When these planets were in the form of seed, their development began in the form of small planets. In the initial stage, these two planets roamed for long periods in the orbit of the Earth.

During this time period, these planets kept on attacking the chest of the earth with meteorites, planets and other deadly objects wandering in space. So, they continued to expand. Then in time the earth and the moon came into existence in the form of full planets. Astronomers have also begun to believe that this is how planets are formed.

Although this theory is different from spiritual sciences point of view. Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji often exhorts that there are thousands of universe and life exists in different forms in those universes as well. This is how advanced spirituality is where things are learned through energy and waveforms there is no need for physical dissection of things here.

Our Vedas and ancient texts are examples of these, where what is happening today has been predicted thousands of years ago. Even the mention of bacteria is found in those texts exhorts Saint Ram Rahim Ji, which were discovered quite later by modern-day sciences. This in fact is quite interesting and needs a thorough study in terms of what more our Vedas have actually deciphered with the wisdom or our ancient rishis, which we are yet to find out with our gadgets.

The Indian Space Agency ISRO is trying to launch its vehicle for the first time on the Moon’s the South Pole. It is worth remembering Chandrayan-1 too today, which was sent in 2008 by India, and this was successful in discovering water on the moon, for the first time in the world. Looks like we have many firsts to our credit now, although these have been denied to us in the past, since ancient times.

Ada Benton

Hi, I'm Ada Benton, working as an online marketing consultant in a award winning marketing firm.

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