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Ancient artz
By LARREN SMITH 1,399 views

Ancient Artz – A Journey Through Time and Culture

The expression of thoughts, emotions, and ideas has found a channel in the fine arts since time immemorial. From the oldest cave paintings to the masterpieces of art now pointed out to us in museums, art provides a connection to our past and offers a viewpoint on the surroundings.

Of the entire history of artistic creation, one of the most interesting periods is what might be called Ancient Artz. The artistic products from the very beginning of human history until the fall of the Roman Empire are what the term refers to.  These works of art are not just beautiful; they tell us stories about the people who created them and the world they lived in.

What is Ancient Artz?

Ancient Artz refers to the art of civilization from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and many others. These works have survived in the form of sculptures, paintings, pottery, architecture, and even jewelry. Though each of these civilizations had its own kind of style and techniques to convey its purpose, some common ones were to express beliefs, honor gods, record important events, or celebrate culture.

Ancient Artz and Its Importance

Communication is one of the most important facets of Ancient Artz.  The majority of people back then were illiterate and could neither read nor write. The art became a device through which stories, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions could be passed on from one generation to another.

For example, the temple and tomb walls of ancient Egypt were marked with hieroglyphics and intricate carvings on the life of the pharaohs, their gods, and the afterlife. In a sense, such pictures serve as record-keeping devices but equally as a means of safe passage into the afterlife. Ancient Artz played a role in politics as well.

With the use of art, leaders could express their power and success.  Take the instance of Ancient Rome, emperors would order huge statues and buildings to brag about their reign, reminding people of their might and control. The very famous Roman Colosseum and its impressive architecture served not only to entertain people with different games but also as an expression of the might of imperial power.

Various Types of Ancient Artz

Each of the civilizations that contributed to Ancient Artz had its own style—consequently, in most cases, it was shaped by its environment, beliefs, and resources. Let’s take a look at some of these styles:

  • Mesopotamian Art: The cradle of civilization was to give the world some of its earliest forms of art. One prime example would be the famous Ziggurats or huge terraced structures. Gods, kings, and mythological creatures were favored subjects in Mesopotamian art. Clay and stone were the usual materials, as one could observe from their relief carvings and cylinder seals, which denote minute detail.
  • Egyptian Art: Egyptian art is instantly recognizable because of the use of strict rules and proportions. Much of their art has been created to honor gods and to ensure a safe journey for the dead. The Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, and intricate paintings and carvings inside tombs are some of the most famous examples of Ancient Artz from Egypt.
  • Greek Art: If anything characterized Greek art, it would have to be humanism and naturalism. The Greeks easily could capture the most lifelike sculptures in the celebration of the human form. Their pottery, with intricate scenes of mythology and everyday life, is another large contribution. The Parthenon in Athens is a testament to their architectural genius and balance and harmony.
  • Roman Art: Building on the achievements of the Greeks, the Romans lifted Ancient Artz onto a different level. They were great engineers and architects who made aqueducts, bridges, the Colosseum, and many other such structures. Roman sculptures and frescoes very often depicted real people and events, showing a trend or movement away from the ideal forms of Greek art and toward a much more realistic expression of life.

The Legacy of Ancient Artz

The legacies of Ancient Artz are very well felt even to the present day. Many a modern-day artist gets his inspiration from techniques and styles adopted by these ancient civilizations. Works are showcased in various museums around the world, and we marvel at their beauty while learning about their creators. Beyond that, Ancient Artz helps us make sense of our common human history. Through such works, we managed to learn how our ancestors lived, what was important to them, and how they used to view the world. The connection gives life a richer feel by being connected to our past and reminds us of the enduring power of art.

Why Ancient Artz Matters Today

The hurly-burly of today’s technologies often causes people to overlook Ancient Artz. By preserving and studying Ancient Artz, we keep alive a memory of those ancient civilizations. Be it their achievements or mistakes, we understand more about our place in this world. Be it the timeless beauty of any Greek statue, the monumental grandeur of some Egyptian pyramid, or the intricate designs of Mesopotamian pottery, Ancient Artz never stops inspiring and educating us.


Ancient Artz is a lesson in the timeless power of human imagination. It joins us with our past, gives us an understanding of the cultures that came before ours, and urges us to create our art as well. We respect our heritage through the appreciation and preservation of Ancient Artz so that the memory of our forefathers is not forgotten. Whether one is a lover of art or history, there is something in Ancient Artz that one could really like and further learn from.

larren SMith

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