No matter where you are, what you are doing – in your life, Technology has been a huge influence. It inspires changes – whether it is about an opportunity, improving a process, or otherwise creating something, technology plays a main or an ancillary role.
Including the technical ability and expertise in a technical field, Alan Oviatt also has an aptitude for excellence in informal communication with peers and formal communication with others in the company. Additionally, Alan Herbert Oviatt created, upgraded, and implemented changes in the following areas.
Management Assessment
For a small entrepreneurial firm, it is essential to understand the principles of effective management that maximize organizational performance. Alan Oviatt has played a major role in-depth SWOT analysis of the organization and its management provided the basis for this evaluation.
HRIS Implementation
To improved work-life in a company in a positive way, HRIS is Important. It enables employees to create a career track that aligns them towards goals and greater transparency in hiring. Also, helps management chooses perfect applicants for open positions.
Ethical Leadership
The Ethics audit was intended to ensure the behaviors identified in the company’s – code of conduct, policies, procedures manual and employee handbook actually exist in practice. A detailed review of the guidance materials provided the foundational metrics for this audit. Past ethical issues and their solutions can also be taken into consideration.
Technology-Based Interventions

Computer-Assisted Brief Intervention (CBI) was developed for the company, which was using an intervention authoring tool. The tool reported good acceptability in preliminary testing and high efficacy of interventions. This streaming solution from Alan Oviatt can easily be deployed remotely both domestically and internationally to English-speaking countries.
Technology Upgrade
This entrepreneurial energy company opts for a high-speed campus transformation – as it moved to add locations in new markets. The concept behind this is – infrastructure had to be easily deployed and managed and be highly secure and scalable. In order to connect additional remote branch offices easily, the company needed to adopt a simple architectural approach, creating a nimble network manageable from a single location.
Enterprise EDM
Automated, detailed indexing of documents pertinent to a specific aircraft from a remote maintenance base that can be indexed in greater detail by specialists. This project was able to get the right work, to the right people, at the right time, accelerating the straight-through processing of information to make a real-time decision.
The Move to Telecommuting
The Company had committed to telecommuting and needed to expand technology and computing support for roughly 180 new telecommuters. This required expanding document servers, shared drives, and FTP sites; securing connections with an upgraded firewall and VPN; and evaluating and testing a web-based communication space that permits video, document sharing, desktop sharing, and recording.
Drawing Conversion
First major project and a great learning experience. General Motors Division was willing to transform many of their complex drawings from the printed form of AutoCAD. Alan shuttled drawings from GM to an office and put them in a large format scanner, then put FTP’ed images on the WebDAV site. Alan Herbert Oviatt returned the hard copies and the new AutoCAD drawings on a disk, pick up more drawings and continue the cycle.