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AI Chatbots
By NAVEEN SHARMA 3,058 views

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work in a Chatbot?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence according to the name used to create machines that are intelligent or that can work using human intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest-growing platforms. Nowadays Humans are totally dependent on Machines like cars, Air conditioners, computers, smartphones, and many other devices. In order to make these devices much smarter, we use Artificial intelligence. Not only machines AI is also used in some other platforms like web development, Machine learning, AI Chatbots, etc.

Coming on toward Artificial intelligence-based web development. Currently, all businesses need a website for listing themselves online. Website development is totally a customer-oriented process that can be developed as per the requirements of the users. As per the records, The consumers are attracted to the businesses which are having proper customer support to provide the details about the product and services. To fulfill this purpose, various businesses are using AI chatbots for customer service these days.

What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are artificial intelligence-based automatic agents which are used to chat or have conversations with consumers who have visited a particular website of a business and need some of the details about the products and services which the business is providing. Chatbots are developed on the website for reducing human efforts. Chatbots work on a particular database in which certain information are been stored which they have to convey to other humans who have initiated a chat.

Types of Chatbots

Chatbots are basically used for conversations with the visitors of the website or applications. There are two different kinds of Chatbots which are listed below:

  • Rule Oriented: These are such types of chatbots that are working only on some set of instructions with which it has been programmed. They are generally used in order to understand the requirements of the users and provide solving their basic issues.
  • Artificial Intelligence oriented: As we have already discussed artificial intelligence. These kinds of chatbots are developed using AI-based algorithms which help them in Automatic decision-making. These chatbots can also improve themselves by learning different things from user interactions.

AI-based chatbots are currently used by most businesses fur the purpose of increase in their sales and also providing their customers the desired solutions. These are developed by the AI Software development Companies which are having professional AI developers. They are having a good knowledge base about machine learning and AI.

Components of Chatbot Architecture

The chatbot architecture consists of the different components which are listed below:

  • Understanding the user Needs: The AI-Based chatbots are used to have an automatic conversation with different users for which it is necessary to understand the queries of the users for providing them with desirable solutions for which the developers use the user-centric approach in the Chatbot architecture which is one of the necessary components of Chatbot architecture.
  • Backend Connectivity: The chatbots are connected with a particular database designed according to their work. AI-based chatbots can fetch the data and also can store the new things which it is grasping from the daily conversations of the users. The responses of the chatbots are recorded inside the database which they fetch according to the conversation with the users.
  • Auto Learning: This is one of the main components of AI-based chatbots. They can automatically learn new things from customer interactions. The chatbots are powered by AI chatbots function according to the knowledge which they are learning from their daily based chats. They start learning new things immediately after their implementation on any of the websites or applications.

Role of AI chatbot for customer service

AI-based chatbots basically work on the different forms of data like the information available on your website, database, and daily-based conversations. They serve different customers every day using these elements. Today a large number of people are accessing the internet that’s why almost all the businesses are having their larger customer base online. Chatbots are used to serve those customers by fulfilling their requirements, providing them desirable solutions, and providing them information about the product and services which the business is providing to its users. Chatbots also provide after-sales support to the customers of any business which leads to the growth in the revenues of the businesses.

Functions of AI Chatbots

AI-based chatbots are performing different tasks on daily basis and also the functions of the chatbots depend on the needs of the users. Some of the functions of AI-based chatbots are listed below:

  • Information Assistance: Basic function of any AI-based chatbot is to provide different types of information to its customers which are required. The information is mostly based on the products and services of the business.
  • Update Customers: the chatbots also keep the customer of any business updated. They send regular updates to the customers based on the products and services which they have purchased from the business. Let’s take an example of an insurance company, if any user has purchased a policy from the insurance company then the AI-based chatbots presented on their website provide them timely updates about the policy they have purchased like to renew the policy.
  • Fulfill user’s needs: There are different chatbots presented inside your devices like Google Assistant, and Alexa which fulfill the needs of their users, for example, if a user asks his smartphone assistant for turning WiFi off then it will fulfill its requirements.

There are several other functions that are performed by AI-based chatbots which lead to a reduction in human efforts and can also satisfy the customers of any business. AI-powered chatbots are sufficient enough so that they can perform several other tasks automatically for which they are implemented by any of the businesses.

Future of Chatbots:

Currently, Chatbots are limited to performing only some of the tasks. According to the growth in Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the future, Chatbots Can be used for almost every purpose of the business in the future may it be payments, communication, sales, marketing, and many other fields. The chatbot will be reducing business efforts and the cost of any business and also will be improvising the accuracy and reliability of the businesses in the future.

Naveen Sharma

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