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advertising on social media
By NATHAN MADEN 3,258 views

How Do You Choose Where To Advertise On Social Media?

Advertising on social media is attractive, but you don’t know how to choose the networks that will help your business the most and help you reach your goal.

You can broadcast your image and publicize your products and services on social networks, as we often talk about in this blog. But that’s not all! Paid advertising on social media networks will support you in the development of your turnover.

Social networks provide advertisers with much data and possibilities to reach future customers with extremely fine precision.

If your budget is limited, you will have to choose where to allocate your budget wisely for the best return on investment. And that’s what we’re going to cover in this article.

Benefits of social media advertising

You may already know this, but each social network offers advertisers its advertising network adapted to its value proposition and mode of use. Each network allows the advertiser to segment its targets, configuration tools, and a dashboard. To get the best social media advertising services you must visit an internet marketing agency.

To launch your advertising campaigns on social networks, you must work on your strategy and clearly define your objectives and budget. Once this is done, you must choose which social network to launch your sponsored advertisements. If you have a slightly larger budget, nothing prevents you from advertising on several social networks. But be careful; for that, you will have to judiciously decline your advertising campaigns by considering the specificities of each social network and the target you want to address.

Why choose to advertise on Facebook and Instagram

As much as to say right away, you will find on Facebook the largest community of people in the world and the possibility of accessing the most effective targeting tool. In addition, the advertising network of Facebook and Instagram is the same, so you can choose to broadcast your ads on one and/or the other of the two social networks through the same platform. Moreover, we advise you to read this article to know all the advantages of advertising on Facebook in 2022.

Ads on Facebook and Instagram are the most powerful today.

Because Facebook is the platform to reach the general public! With more than. There were 2.8 billion monthly active users at the end of 2021 and 1.85 billion daily active users worldwide, and Facebook is still the social network on which you will find the most people.

In addition, on the advertising network for advertisers, you will find a wide choice of advertising formats. This will allow you to experiment and find the ad format(s) that works best for you.

Depending on the objective chosen, you can generate traffic on your website and promote your activity (business or store) in a limited geographical area.

The choice of advertisements available on Facebook

On Facebook, you will have two main options for advertising:

  • The “Post Boost” or the promotion of an existing post on your Facebook page
  • From the advertising management, you can create an advertisement (which will not be visible on your Facebook page).

As you will have understood, Facebook’s current advertising network is the best for us at Social Media for You. It allows you to create extremely effective advertisements, but be careful, provided you have a publication strategy. On Facebook and properly configure your ads!

Why choose to advertise on Twitter

With 353 million monthly active users on Twitter, and more than 140 million daily tweets, including 20% ​​of these mentioning products or brands, Twitter is the social network immediacy and interaction with consumers.

In the most active countries in January 2021 on this social network, we find France in the sixth position after the United States, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, and Brazil.

Here is a sponsored advertisement in the Twitter news feed

Above all, Twitter is an opportunity for companies to create a marketing strategy in real time. You will find sponsorship offers adapted to the social network on Twitter’s advertising network.

You will be able to target Internet users by:

  • hobbies,
  • by location,
  • by gender,
  • or target tweeters (Twitter users) similar to followers of a certain account,

You will choose your main objective:

  • either the recruitment of followers,
  • either more visibility of your tweets (publications),
  • evening the increase in traffic.

To sum up, we will find on Twitter the advantage of accessing a huge community (many people in the C++ professional social category, many people working in tech, journalists, people, etc.) and very qualified targeting. Besides, on you want to acquire followers with non-paying techniques on Twitter, I advise you to read this article.

Advertising on different social networks can be done in-house. However, when you start to have to manage a certain budget, you can hire an agency for your social media buying campaign.

How to advertise on Twitter?

The first step to advertising on Twitter is to create a Twitter account and go to the tab reserved for advertisers, the Twitter Ads.

There are three advertising possibilities on this platform to promote your business:

  • Create a sponsored account: this will allow you to recruit a qualified community on your Twitter account. You will find yourself in the “Suggestions” and “Who to follow” tabs.
  • Broadcast sponsored tweets: to have good visibility in the news feed. Our goal is to reach a larger audience than its audience.
  • Create a sponsored trend to generate engagement and an interesting conversion rate. For example, this format is often found to promote television programs.
Nathan Maden

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