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By JOE MAILLET 1,171 views

Everything I Learned about Tasbeeh I Learned from Potus

TASBEEH is an acronym for ‘Tajweed English’. TASBEEH means “I act following God’s will.” This form of dhirka is very similar to the Islamic hajj (Hajj). It involves the glorification of God and is often recited a few times, with either the palms of the right hand pressed together or some other object to keep count.

In the traditions, tasbih is recited by Mujahid, the holy warrior who is martyred in Mecca. According to one tradition, he was asked by the emperor of the day what he must say to the people of Mecca. The answer was, “Be obedient to your master, for God loves you.” The people of Mecca then responded, “Allah instructs us to do as he tells us.”

This story is recorded in the hadith, or the word of God as expressed by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and is found in the Sunan al-Sawdha. TASBEEH here is interpreted as “O mankind; have you taken anything from God? If so, then what is it you have taken from God?” And the hadith ends with a famous hadith, in which the prophet asks for the believers in Mecca to be like fish in the sea, obeying whatever God says.

In the traditions, the leader of Islam, or prophet Muhammad (SAW), once stood in a crowd, and addressed those assembled, saying, “O people of Islam! You have taken anything from God, then what is it you have left behind for your children?” Then, he continued his sermon by quoting from the Quran, “irms that you should always obey God in everything, even if you are not liked by Him.” In the end, he declared that the people of Mecca will rise and help him against his enemy.

According to some traditions, this hadith was revealed by the prophet Muhammad (SAW), while he was sitting in Karbala, the Tomb of his father. In another tradition, the hadith was told by Muhammed (SAW), after he was driven out of Mecca. Some hadith narrators report that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) cursed the hypocrites in Mecca, stating that they were similar to dogs. Thus, in general, the Muslims considered the two religions, Islam and Moses’ religion, a eef (religion) of the Jews and Christians.

The second hadith is commonly narrated, wherein the hypocrites in Mecca are cursed for their hypocrisy. According to this tradition, the hypocrites remained in Mecca for thirty days, to fulfill their evil plans, without performing any worship or obeying any commandment of God. They were also deprived of food and water, until God while punishing them in the Tarah, ordered the angels to bring down rain on the day of judgment. In the end, they were punished with the loss of their possessions, due to which they were driven from the presence of man.

including the practices related to the Hajj (visit Mecca at least once by all Muslims) and Ramadan (fasting throughout Ramadan with special diets) are considered as “al-khaya” or encompassing all knowledge.

The “al-khaya” also encompasses all Islamic rituals and beliefs. Wearing a gold TASBEEH will connote the value of religion and Islamic culture. Also, wearing a gold TASBEEH implies wealth and material possessions. Gold is believed to be a true representation of Allah.

One way to obtain a TASBEEH is by visiting a local dealer in gold coin collecting. The dealer will usually purchase the gold coins directly from the refinery and then handcraft the TASBEEH to fit the specifications of each client. The dealers will also help you decide what type of TASBEEH will look best on your customary or personal dress. It may be possible to select a tasbeeh beads that specifically has been crafted for men, women or both. The possibilities in gold coin collecting are limited only by one’s imagination.

TASBEEH is an acronym for “Take All That You Can”. This is an example of a khaya (conveyance) in Arabic. TASBEEH is similar to the phrase, “You too can attain Islamic Knowledge” (takfir). However, the connotation and use of TASBEEH in Islam is more than just a mere phrase used to converse with fellow learners.

TASBEEH is a unique form of hay that entails the glorification of Allah in Islam through saying Sub-ḥِqqara, which literally means “Knowledge is from Allah”. In doing so, it is intended to offer another person a great source of knowledge, especially regarding the religion of Islam. It is repeatedly repeated a certain number of times so that people can memorize it and use it properly. Besides, it is intended to teach people about the pillars of Islam – from the Sunnah, the way of Muhammad (SAW), and the religion itself. The ultimate aim of TASBEEH is to spread knowledge on religion and spread the true message of Islam to others.

TASBEEH also has a unique connotation when wearing prayer beads and coins. Prayer beads are worn by Muslim women to pray to Allah. The meaning of a prayer bead is to represent the oneness of God and the belief of monotheism. Wearing a small amount of prayer beads is believed to have a beneficial effect on prayer and helps one to attain a deeper understanding of their faith.

In Islamic culture, TASBEEH is also known as “al-khaya”. This word literally means “all knowledge” in Arabic

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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