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What Qualities need in a Team Captain?

Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares says the role of a captain in sports is both challenging and rewarding when it comes to lead a team of players. The job of a captain is to inspire, train, and develop players so they can create a win-win situation in the game. However, not all captains possess the winning quality, and this is the reason why most teams lose the game terribly. Therefore, if you are a coach and looking for a team captain who can build a winning team, ensure he possesses the following qualities.

Unique Personality

As a coach, you need to understand that every player has different characteristics. However, when it comes to the effective captain, he must possess exceptionally unique personality.

Mentally strong

Those who remain humble when win and knows how to take criticism when lose are the successful captains. Therefore, it is necessary for all captains to build themselves mentally strong.

Also, it is necessary for the captain to remain focused and prepare to face intense pressure during a game. A calm nature and patience help you as a captain to make the correct decisions at the right time. To learn how to stay strong and calm even in the hardest situation, you need to make yourself mental strength.

Excellent communication skills

A good communication skill is an attribute that every captain must possess. As the responsibility of the captain is to encourage and manage on-field communication between all the players. Also, he needs to maintain effective communication between players and their coaching staff. Therefore, he must be an excellent communicator, in order to avoid a lack of communication.

However, this does not mean that the captain needs to speak all the time when he is on the field. Indeed, the captain should only speak when it is required.


 A self-confident captain builds confidence in others. He never let his team morale down, no matter what. Somewhere, this attitude helps him as well in maintaining his own performance.

Having self-confidence is important, especially, when the going gets tough. According to Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares, the captain needs to make sure his team never lose confidence in any circumstances.

If a captain looks or acts with confidence, sooner or later, it will make everyone confident. A positive attitude with self-confidence can make anything possible, no matter how impossible it seems. Maybe this is why a wise man once said, positive people, live positive lives.

Final Thoughts

So, these are the few qualities that every captain must possess if he wants his team to perform well and win in any circumstances. As a coach, it is your responsibility to find out these qualities in a captain. However, it is not possible to get all the qualities in one person, therefore, you need to work on your captain so he can build those qualities that are missing in him.

Have a successful career!

Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares

Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares is a well-known name in the sports industry in Brazil. He is a former player and a football coach who helped many individuals to pursue their dream as a successful footballer. Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares has had a long and amazing coaching career and is considered to be one of the most successful coaches in Brazil.

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