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Nursery Online Classes in India
By NANCY AHUJA 3,686 views

A Holistic Pre-School Experience with Nursery Online Classes in India

Pre schooling is the very first learning step of a child. No doubt as to why it should be the most well-researched and well-informed decision for all the parents. This is the stage where children learn new concepts and receive exposure.  Since the time the concept of online learning has emerged, the battle between offline learning and online learning and which one is the best is continued.

While the next generation has already started learning and exploring new ideas with online learning, Indian parents need to widen the scope for their younger ones too. Schools and centers in India are providing excellent nursery online classes in Indiapportunities and learning environments through e-learning too, ensuring no compromise with the children’s nursery online classes in India.

The Emergence of Online Learning

Though the concept of e-learning is quite old it took a rise after the pandemic hit our lives. Due to COVID-19, when the government decided to put lockdown, people were restricted to move outside of their homes. Schools, colleges were shut and education took a backseat for a short span. That is when schools opted for online learning as the source to continue education while following lockdown rules. This is when online learning came to the forefront and more than opportunity, it became a necessity. This brought parents and schools together forming a mode of communication between children and teachers who can impart teaching using smartphones, desktops, and the internet. For higher classes, students are used to these concepts and can adapt to them well but can parents trust their toddlers too with e-learning? There are many such questions that pop in your head, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of this virtual learning concept.

Advantages of Nursery Online Classes in India

  1. Individualized learning: Online learning help kids learn at their own pace. They do not have to follow and move with a group they can focus on themselves completely. It helps kids to learn and grow fast and optimize their schedule more.
  2. Comfortable environment: At such a sensitive stage, kids do hesitate to go to schools and spend time with people who are not known to them. Online learning is a great platform that encourages pre-schooling at their best comfort. Kids can learn and attend classes in a comfortable environment that will motivate them to perform better.
  3. Parent’s engagement: The biggest worry of parents of a kindergarten kid is not being able to be with their kid to look after them during school hours. Through online classes, parents can be with their kid to monitor their schedule, take care of, and support them. Not just for the parents but kids also enjoy their parent’s company in their initial journey of learning.
  4. Learning on the go: Virtual mode of classes has the biggest benefit of learning from anywhere. There is no restriction of being at a certain location. Especially, taking an example of the covid-19 pandemic. People were bound to not step outside their houses. Several people relocated to another place. Traveling to or living far away from the institution will not be the excuse for discontinuation of learning anymore. As kids can attend school from anywhere with the help of a smartphone and a good internet connection.

Apart from the advantages, there are some disadvantages of nursery online classes in India as well. Toddlers are not used to the concept of sitting in one place for a long time, thus it becomes difficult for parents to settle them. As they have a very short attention span, they tend to get distracted easily. The availability of computers or smartphones that can support educational activities well can be a drawback for many parents. A bad internet connection is also a technical challenge that many people face in India. Online classes require a good internet connection to stand on. It is one of the top disadvantages of online learning as it breaks communication. Teachers and students are not able to communicate properly due to the lack of good internet. It leads to a stretch of time and can abrupt defined schedules.

Final Take

When it comes to learning for pre-schoolers through online mode, advantages do triumph over disadvantages very well. Taking parents, kids, and the benefits into consideration, online nursery classes in India will give kids the best holistic pre-school experience to learn and grow their best.

Nancy Ahuja

Nancy Ahuja is a fitness and nutrition expert who believes in a healthy lifestyle. She likes to write about fitness and nutrition. She is also an expert adviser to the Medical billing Company who provides accurate patient billing, daily fitness tips, detailed fitness guides and reviews of fitness equipment.

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