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COVID-19 - David Thunder Cummings

Effective Steps to take to Combat the spread of COVID-19

Day by day, new cases of the novel corona virus that first prevailed in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late December, are being recorded in different countries around the globe. Countries are not joking as efforts to contain the virus escalated by hours. With more than 170 countries already infected, over 472,000 already confirmed cases, more than 21,000 recorded death, COVID-19 can be the one worst virus plaguing the planet.

To beat the virus, countries have embarked on different practices including social distancing and travel bans. However, is there more that can be done to contain this virus? What are the techniques other countries employed to batter the spread? What other steps are being taken and how successful are they? Here is David Cummings, a renowned fighter in the United step to explore effective steps that can be adopted to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. Read on!

Social distancing is still important.

One of the reasons why China has successfully recorded zero local infections was the aggressive approach implemented immediately when it all started. From cities lockdown with millions forced into quarantine at lightning speeds, to schools, museums,  and many more closed down to major events canceled, it is no surprise china has been able to contain this pandemic and limit the spread domestically.

The fact is, everybody is susceptible to infection and with one person infected, more people become vulnerable and the number of cases keeps increasing every day. Therefore, maintaining distance, avoiding mass gathering and if possible employing a total lockdown might be the way especially when there are health supplies.

Tracing, screening, and testing goes a long way

The next approach is to separate infected people from those that are healthy. Plus, those they have been in contact with should be tracked, isolated and monitored. If these people show any sign of symptoms, isolation, and testing is the way out. “As much as many people with no symptoms are capable of transferring the virus, and there are likely reports of many undetected cases, it is only wise to carry out testing,” says David Thunder Cummings.

South Korea has proven to be the legend in this regard. With nearly 20,000 people tested every day, more than 100,000 test kits manufactured daily, this country has been testing its population more than anyone else. The approach may suffice to contain the spread of the disease in other countries. It will not only aid early detection of those not showing the symptoms, but will also reduce the spread, and quickly isolate and administer treatment on those who tested positive.

Researchers have said it will take months if not years before vaccines can be developed and months before human clinical trials can be administered. From isolation to tracing who is infected and people in contact with them to testing, these combinations of techniques can be adopted by countries. Even if there are no coronavirus vaccines insight, something has to be done!.

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