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By OLIVIER JOLLIN 4,316 views

5 Job Opportunities You Can Look For In Aerospace Industry

Every year number of students appear in the entrance exam to get admission in aerospace engineering without knowing what they can do in this industry. This field is the best option for those who have an interest in math and science. Choosing a career in this industry will offer you wider options to choose from. For instance, physical scientist, aerospace engineer, flight technician, etc.

Let’s explore some of the best job opportunities you can look for in the aerospace industry with Olivier Jollin.

Pilots and Crew Members in Spacecraft

Flying high is the dream job of many individuals. Indeed. To make it possible, the aerospace industry gives wings to those who want to fly. In simple words, the job of pilot and crew members in a spacecraft allow you to fly in space. However, it is not easy to get this job, unless you have knowledge about this industry and you qualify the series of medical exams.

Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace engineers are a bunch of experts who design, test and assemble aircraft and spacecraft. These professionals have studied various subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, Biological Sciences, Earth sciences, and Aerodynamics. To lead in this industry as an aerospace engineer, you should gain specialization in certain areas, including propulsion and missile guidance systems.

Physical Scientist

Physical scientist is popular as a rocket scientist who offers service of testing and designing propelling systems. Not only this, but they are also responsible for research and accessing technology related to space. Also, they evaluate many other things related to mission hardware, etc. The job of a rocket scientist is not easy, but it is quite interesting and challenging. So are you ready for the challenges?

Technical Communicators

Technical communicator is those professionals who connect flight crew and experts on the ground. To pursue a career in this profession, an individual must possess excellent communication skills. As it required to convey any complicated scientific terms efficiently. Additionally, a communicator makes a bridge of communication between different teams. In most cases, they also have to write internal technical memos and managing the communication process internally.

Flight Technician

Flight technician job is not limited to one particular job. In the aerospace industry, there are many opportunities for flight technician.  These include aircraft mechanics, aerospace technicians, and avionics technicians. When it comes to the role of technicians in aerospace, they are responsible for construction, maintenance, testing, controlling, and operating spacecraft, aircraft. The job of the technician is very responsible and crucial.

Final Words

Now you understand aerospace engineer is not the only career option you have. Olivier Jollin shared these few best job opportunities aerospace industries with you that is best for those individuals who are seeking a career in this industry. You can choose wider options in this industry, from aerospace engineers to rocket scientist, and many other as mentioned above. And when it comes to salary package, every designation has its parameters. If you think any of these job designation suits your interest, you can look for universities for an Aerospace engineering degree.

Olivier Jollin

Olivier Jollin intègre l’École supérieure d’aéronautique et de constructions mécaniques et en sort diplômé en 1987. Il commence sa carrière professionnelle comme pilote d’essai, mais il est grièvement blessé lors d’un accident et met fin à cette activité.

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