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Langmaids Island
By KIM HANIEPH 2,126 views

Langmaid’s Island Update Lake of Bays- Muskoka Canada

Whether you are living near Langmaids Island or you are planning to visit this beautiful island, the owner of the island is all set to inform you regarding the Association’s activities and the issues that impact individuals who live and play in and around Lake of Bays. To make it possible they have started various programs and activities. And why not? After all, it is an individual responsibility to take care of the environment. Presently, LOBA’s environment committee is working hard to bring a change in the environment. And this is how it works when you take an initiative to do something for the society it always brings positive results.


lake bays

The objectives of LOBA’s Environment Committee are:

  • To observe the environmental health of the Lake of Bays watershed – water and land – and to detect threats that could materially affect the health of the environment.
  • To encourage great stewardship practices that will aid in the sustainability and development of the watershed.
  • To ensure that langmaids island developmentconcerns are properly and accurately mentioned in decision making by the Township and District.

The main focus of the committee has and continues to be regarding the quality testing of water. Sampling is conducted five to seven times in every season, approximately across 30 sites and analysis is done on physical, biological and chemical indicators to provide detailed information on the atmosphere of Lake of Bays water. This project is counted as a long-term project – From the year 1970 phosphorous testing is conducted on the lake, In the year 2000, bacti testing was started, In the year 2003, phosphorous testing was refined and expanded, and benthic invertebrate testing began in the same year. The team has gathered adequate information to establish a baseline for these indicators that will serve as the standard against which they will measure a change in the quality of water which is going forward. The time, effort and money they have invested in establishing a testing program are worth only if it meets the standards being applied by the Ministry of the Environment and the District of Muskoka and the research is being shared with these entities.


Other areas of interest for the Environment Committee are:

  • Their two pilot terrestrial plots which track forest health
  • Rehabilitation and shoreline preservation
  • Wetlands
  • Dark skies
  • Pits and quarries

Environment Committee

Bottom Line

To know more updates regarding the activities and development of Langmaids Island, you can explore the website.

Kim Hanieph

Kim Hanieph born on December 4, 1980, in California. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends. She has an experience of more than 5 years in writing & blogging.

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