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Maintain Skin Care Routine In Rainy Season
Maintain Skin Care Routine In Rainy Season
By MANISHA GULERIA 3,295 views

Maintain Skin Care Routine In Rainy Season

Rain brings loads of joy on the faces after the extreme sweaty heat of the summer. The immunity level of the body becomes very low in this season. However, there is the problem with the rainy season too that it fetch various kind of infections, humidity, and skin problems like acne, pimples, oiliness etc. at the same moment. So now upset about skin care????- Here we go

No need to worry at all!

Don’t let worries spoil the fun of rain. Just enjoy the drizzling weather but take care of one thing- Maintain skin care routine in rainy season as well and care little extra for the healthy glowing skin to get rid of all the problems with the season without going for expensive products and treatments.

Hereupon the simple tips for skin care:


We never feel thirsty in this rainy season so main issues we all face in this season because of the dehydration. Hydrate yourself with plenty of water to away from dehydration. Have minimum 8 -10 glasses of water to flush away the toxins for flawless skin.

Keep up the Healthy diet:-

Rainy season is said to be the awesome season for food. Mouth-watering hot snacks like Samosa’s, Pakoras, and tea, coffee are mostly in demand to enjoy the rain. Snacks with full of oil- After all Fried delights.

Try to limit the amount and Stay away!

Think once about the impact and Keep your eye on the healthy diet like vegetables, Fruits, Nuts etc.

Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet


Wash face for two- three times to remove excess of oil and dirt to reduce the risk of pimples and acne.

Tip: Use mixture of Gram flour, rose water and milk for face cleansing.


Use good quality of toner to maintain the PH level of the skin.


Use moisture because humidity of rain can make skin dull and dry. The right time to apply moisture is in the night for healthy glowing skin.

Opt natural packs:-

Pimples and acne’s are the common problem faced in the rainy season. Use natural masks like Neem Pack, sandalwood Pack, fuller’s earth pack, Yogurt mask and fruit mask etc. to get rid of them.

Additionally never forget to apply ample amount of water resistant and oil free sunscreen even its cloudy outside. Maintain proper skin care and keep away the bad impact of the season on the skin. Make plans- do lots of fun and enjoy the spell of the rainy season.

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