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local advertising
By AMANDA MILLS 2,080 views

Local Advertising Ideas to Grow Your Small Business

Local advertising is going to be one of the best ways for you to bring in local customers and get more awareness for your brand as well. It will be one of the best ways for you to target some of the nearby prospects based on the audience and the medium that they will look for you on. But it does take a good plan to make sure that you can get the work done well.

Local advertising is going to be one of the best ways for you to reach customers in the town or region where you run your business overall.

There are a number of options that you can use to help you get the most out of your local advertising campaign. Having the right products in place and making sure that you are prepared to handle the marketing and reach your customers the most. Some of the best ideas that you can use for local advertising to help grow your small business include:

Get Free Local Advertising with Online Directories

One of the options that you can consider is to get free local advertising when you use an online business directory. Your listings will be able to appear online when someone searches for your business or a business that has your offerings in your area. Some of the benefits of this kind of local advertising include:

  • More ways for you to show up with an online search
  • It can help with the SEO of your website
  • Most directors, including GBP, are going to be free for you to list in
  • Another source to bring traffic to your website.

These can sometimes take a bit of time for you to submit, monitor, and edit to make sure that they are as up-to-date as possible. This can take even longer if you end up having a ton of listings that you would like to manage at the same time. Facebook business profile, Yelp for Business, Bing for Business, and Google Business Profile all fit in this.

Consider a Referral Program

This is a good option if you would like to provide discounts and freebies for some of your current customers along the way. If some of the customers are happy with the work that you do or the products that you provide, then they will often be willing to refer someone they know to your business as well. You will need to find a good referral to help make this work.

Some of the benefits of this include:

  • A great way to reward some of your current customers for word-of-mouth marketing
  • Improves the retention of your customers
  • Can help generate new business
  • An affordable option for advertising
  • The software can make this one easy to manage

It is sometimes a slower method because it can take some time to adapt to your customers. The incentives will need to be good for you to get the customers to do it. And you may find that some of your referrals may not match up to your ideal customer type. With the right referral program, you will be able to get your current customers to help you grow your business.

Local Press Coverage

In some cases, getting local press coverage can be a great thing for your small business, whether you get into the news for a local TV news spot or in the newspaper. If your press release is newsworthy, then you could get a lot of press in no time. Some of the benefits that you will get from this method include:

  • Ability to target the specific audience that you want.
  • Ability to land free advertising in newspapers, radio, and TV in your local area.
  • Some providers are able to email the release right to journalist

This method is not going to guarantee that you will be able to get the additional coverage that you would like for your business and it can end up being more expensive than other options. But it is still one of the choices that you can try out to see whether it is going to work for you. You will have to come up with a compelling story to make sure that it will get picked up.

Billboard Ads to Increase Local Visibility

Billboard Ads

Many small businesses are going to dream about advertising their small business on a billboard, but you may worry that this form of advertising is going to be too expensive. This can depend on where you get the billboard done, how long you keep it up, and more. You will need to talk to your local marketing team to see whether this is a good option for you.

Some of the benefits of using billboards include:

  • Great if you are looking to get more brand awareness
  • Creates a first impression if you are a new business
  • Can be affordable, especially if you are doing some the digital billboard ads
  • Best for announcing a new location, advertising a sale, and for a small business.

Depending on the local market where you would like to do the billboard, you may find that the price is going to be too high. You will need to take a look at the comps to figure out whether this is worth the cost and amount that you are going to pay for it or not. You will need to pick out the design of the billboard as well to make sure that it will work well for you.

Choosing the Right Local Advertising for Your Small Business

Your small business can bring a lot of great things to the area and you want to ensure that you are able to find the right options for your business to help it grow. With some of the ideas above, you will be able to see your small business grow like crazy, providing you with some of the assistance that you need and a great return on investment.

When you are looking for the best advertising in Westborough, you need to work with a partner who can reach your target market already. Our team at Community Advocate will be here to assist you with all of your advertising needs, no matter how big or small.

Amanda Mills

I’m a Web Designer, Freelance Writer, and Digital Marketer with a study background in Logic, Philosophy, and Journalism. I’ve always had an unwavering passion

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