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By JOE MAILLET 5,749 views

Sheriff Resumes Affair, Wife and Public in Despair

It was only in 2020 that Sheriff Eric Flowers equates lawman vows with a marriage where he solemnly states that he will carry out his duties and be committed to it as he is to his marriage. 

“I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida … and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties … So help me God.”

To Flowers, it’s an oath before God, like his marriage vows, he said. “If you’re breaking other vows,” such as a wedding vow, what would stop an employee from breaking the oath as a state officer?

This was the statement he uttered a few hours into his swearing-in ceremony as Indian River county sheriff. 

These “values” and many more are the reasons why Sheriff Eric has been rocking the internet world and making various headlines. 

For one, the so-called marital values vow seems to be all false as the sheriff resumes affair and his wife files for divorce…

The internet was once excited to see him raising the bars in offices, displaying a higher level of morality, and getting many to understand the importance of family values. However, it was so sickening to see the whole thing go down the drain within the space of a year. This reflects how putting trust in humans can be disappointing and the effects that infidelity carries. 

His wife, Rachel filed for divorce as she hired a reputable family law attorney Maggie McCain, to help her walk out of her “irretrievably broken” 10 years of marriage. Given that the family also has a son who has autism, they want to work in his best interest by seeking out child support. Plus, she is requesting that her maiden name should be put in place. 

This doesn’t come as a surprise as infidelity has been the number one reason many families in Florida put an end to marriages. 

It is also important to note that neither the jilted husband nor Flowers’ paramour is known by the public and they remained anonymous. Rumors have it that the affair was interrupted as it took over the internet and the Sheriff resumes affair within a month that tendering his apologies. 

Moreover, both Flowers and his wife are yet to announce publicly the divorce filing. McCain claims her client will love to be left alone at this time. While the sheriff together with his online reputation managers have refused to answer any queries nor reply to any email in regards to it. The information has been kept secret from the public eye even though the public will always have a way of fishing them out. 

Sheriff Resumes Affair – The Bridge in Trust

The family is hurt, he lost the trust of the public not only because of the family values he claimed to cherish so fondly but also his commitment to his office. 

The jilted husband was dejected as he said he thought he assumed that he and his wife are working towards saving their marriage only for it to simply last for a month. The love escapades begin again after the empty public apology tender by the Sheriff. sheriff resumes affair just only a month after by purchasing burner cell phones that allow the lovers to communicate secretly. 

The husband also claimed she accepted a ticket to a music festival at Fort Lauderdale Beach, which he only got to know in March. This shows they are not only chatting secretly but have also been seen secretly. Well, they can’t deceive their partners and the public forever. 

What’s more? As sheriff resumes the affair with his lover, the husband couldn’t help but stormed his office, calling him a “lying cheating SOB” and expressing his disappointment. Well, we can’t expect more from a heartbroken man. However, the request for the surveillance footage claiming his visit to the Sheriff department was never given. This further shows that the Sheriff’s intention was to make the confrontation discreet. 

The First Public Apology

He tendered an open apology via departmental email to his wife, Rachel, and his family for all the “hurt, embarrassment, and anger I’ve caused.” He also apologised to the community for “not living up to my own personal high standards.” He also said it is a personal family issue and that it wouldn’t affect his job and responsibilities to the community. 

It is not the first time that a respected public figure will be having marital issues and it wouldn’t be the last. His strong supporters stand by him during his trying times while many see him as a hypocrite. Whatever the case, the stain on his reputation is something the public will never forget.

No one can be Fooled again

As if the hurt, pain, humiliation, and embarrassment weren’t enough. Sheriff resumes affair and this time it would be more disastrous. His position, his family, and his reputation are all on the verge of collapsing. You can make a fool of someone once but they can turn and bite you if it dares repeat itself.  Now, his wife files for a divorce. The jilted husband called him a cheat. The public is highly disappointed and they doubt if he will ever be faithful and committed even to his post. 

The internet might have forgiven after the first apology. But as sheriff resumes affair, will they even forgive this second time? The 2024 election will tell.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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