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web design
By MARK WILSON 1,810 views

9 Web Design Qualities Your Website Must Have

The importance of having a good web design cannot get overstated. A good website can help your business stand out, attract new customers, increase sales, and more. But what makes a website effective? Let’s explore some qualities that make up a great web design in Brisbane.

1. High Functionality

Your website is the window into your products, services, and brand. It’s essential to portray yourself in a polished and businesslike manner. You must present your brand through impactful elements like high-quality pictures and clear layouts.

Your website must operate rapidly with a precise amount of good functionality that doesn’t confuse your visitor. Every page of your website should function accordingly and be easy to use to leave a good impression on your visitors. Your visitors will become annoyed by sluggish or poorly built elements, prompting them to depart.

2. Easy Usage

It is recommended not to make folks work for their information. Your website’s user experience (UX) is essential for ensuring that people use it, understand it, and stay on it. You can make this happen by implementing easy layouts and graphics.

Your website should please both searchers – the ones seeking a specific item, and browsers who are only browsing. To make this happen, you can ask your web design company to utilize onsite search. It can help your visitors in completing their activities efficiently. Another benefit of this is they will stay interested and engaged.

3. Mobile Optimised

In this digital era, every website has mobile-friendly features and layout. If your custom website lacks this feature, you might miss out on something huge! You cannot analyze what your website visitor might use to go through your website. According to studies, most people use their mobile phones to go through websites. So, making your website mobile-friendly will enhance your visitors’ experience and SEO rankings.

4. Engaging Content

Ensure it is brief, captivating, and creative when it is about content. Use language your readers can comprehend and remove acronyms, corporate speak, and jargon. Visitors are usually less patient and therefore pay less attention if the website isn’t engaging, slow, or not updated. You can update your site by adding new information through tactics like informative blogs and social media posts. Exciting information will drive more traffic with repetitive visits of the same users.

5. Easy Contact Access

Your audience won’t go looking for you. To increase your web traffic, you need to make your website’s engagement rate significantly easier than your competitors. To make it happen, include various contact options, like phone numbers and social media handles. An added benefit is including your location on Google Maps. Above all, ensure this information is easily accessible on a contact page that is simple to discover. Easy contact access will help you generate more sales because people will have easy access to contact you.

6. Readability

Ensuring readability and clarity should be top priorities when designing a website. Your content should be easy to read and understand clear headings and short paragraphs of text broken up by visuals such as images or videos. Additionally, using fonts that are easy to read will make sure users can quickly scan through the content without getting overwhelmed by too much text at once. The better you can organize your content in an accessible way-the more likely the users will stay longer on your site – increasing the chance of conversion!

7. Designed with Search and the Social Web in Mind

Building a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website is insufficient; it must generate traffic. Else, everything might go to waste, like your effort in selecting and preparing the design, content, and graphics. Here are some tactics to get you started for successful search engine optimization:

  • Use page names, meta descriptions, and alt text for your pages and images.
  • Include the keywords in your website content that users type and search.
  • Design your website’s layout with significant elements to avoid cluttered HTML.

Make sharing your material with others as simple as you can for visitors. Social media may generate a lot of visitors.

8. User Experience

When it comes to website development, usability is the key. If a user finds difficulty navigating through your website or finds it confusing, they are likely to move on quickly. An intuitive and easy-to-use interface will keep users engaged and help them find what they are searching for. Additionally, if your website works well on all devices—from desktop to mobile—it will ensure that visitors have a positive experience no matter how they access your site.

9. Responsive Design

Having a responsive design is essential for any modern website. Responsive design ensures your site looks great on any device size or screen resolution without sacrificing readability, functionality, or performance. It means no matter which device your visitors use to view your site; they will have the same great experience even if they surf it on their desktop computer at home. Furthermore, Google considers page speed when ranking websites in search results. So having a responsive design can also help you get better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Make My Website: Best Web Design Company

A good web design is essential for any business’s online presence. But what makes a good web design? Usability, user experience (UX), responsiveness, readability & clarity are all essential factors for creating an effective web design that audiences love! By incorporating these elements into your website’s design process, you’ll be able to create an engaging site that attracts customers and encourages them to take action! Aspiring business owners and web designers should keep these qualities in mind when creating successful websites! So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our experts at Make My Website, and let us help you get all the benefits of a good website design.

Mark Wilson

Writing for Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, and more - I'm an expert in blogging, website strategy & content marketing. Having more than 10 years of experience in this Industry

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