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By OLIVIA 1,932 views

9 Common Home Security Mistakes that Most of the Homeowners Make

When it comes to home security, numerous homeowners just prefer automation. Well, having home automation gadgets for security purposes is a very good idea. But, despite taking such precautions, you may unintentionally attract burglars to your property. So, do you really think that simply putting security cameras would prevent burglar’s entry? Not really, right?

Truth be told, security cameras and fences do not actually prevent burglars because of some common mistakes you commit. Wondering what are they?

Read on the blog to learn the 9 common home security mistakes that most homeowners make. If you’re also committing the same mistake, then you should be stopping them.

  1. Not lighting the home

    This is one of the common mistakes most homeowners commit that encourage criminal acts to be carried at your place. Whether you’re at home or out for a vacation, you should never keep your home in dark. Instead, keep them well-illuminated even at night time.

    You can leave your porch lights on at your driveway and install motion detector lights at the outer edge of your property. This will put off the burglar’s plan to take entry into your property for looting. For an extra layer of protection, you can install timers on interior lamps to display that there’s someone inside the house.

  2. Unlatched windows and open drapes

    Oftentimes, burglars target homes that have unlocked windows as they plate up as an easy entry point. Therefore, it’s vital to check all your windows every time you go to bed or leave from home. Even the second-floor windows can be easily accessed. So, make sure that the windows are properly latched.

    Furthermore, though windows are locked properly, open drapes can tempt burglars to break in through the windows. Therefore, make sure that drapes are also closed.

  3. Visible valuables

    Along with taking measures for the outdoors of your home, you should ponder on what can be seen inside your home as well. Many homeowners overlook the fact that some windows are two-way portals. Not only you can peep outside, but also a potential intruder can peep in.

    Therefore, if you have any valuable items like jewelry or cash at home, then tuck in a dedicated secret place. Do not leave them on your dressers or obvious places like freezers or top drawers. If placed there, then it can jeopardize your home’s safety.

  4. Too large lawn and landscape

    Believe it or not, too large or overgrown lawn stipulates that residents are gone on a long vacation. Furthermore, cluttered bushes can offer a hiding place for intruders. With the help of this, they can break into your home easily.

    Hence, you should keep your plants trimmed and organized even when you’re on an extended vacation. Remember to always keep plants to a height that does not block your window’s view. And if you’re planning to go on a vacation, then we would recommend hiring someone for keeping your lawn in shape.

  5. Unlocked garage and shed

    A garage is an easy entry point to your house for any potential intruder. So, remember to close it whenever you leave home. Additionally, if you have an automatic garage door and you’re going on a vacation, then disable the door openers. An intruder can activate it with a coat hanger, wire, or intercepted radio signals.

    In addition to the garage, also lock your sheds or outer house. Generally, homeowners keep hammers, ladders, and other garden tools and equipment there. This may encourage forced entry to your home. Therefore, always secure your tools by locking the shed.

  6. Piled-up mails and newspapers

    The stacked-up mails and newspapers are a prominent sign of an absent homeowner. The potential intruder doesn’t need to put in a lot of effort in this. Prevent this by contacting your local post office or newspaper provider to temporarily suspend service when you’re away.

    If the suspension is taking time, then you can ask your neighbors to collect the piled-up mails and newspapers on a timely basis. Such little activities will discourage burglars to execute their plan of breaking into your home.

  7. Concealing spare keys outdoors

    Door mat
    Many homeowners tend to hide their spare keys in their yards. It could be inside a planter, under a porch rug, or behind a mailbox. Some also conceal under a welcome mat. Ironically, potential intruders are aware of such hidden areas.

    Therefore, instead of hiding it in such obvious spots, keep a spare key in your neighborhood. Even better, install a keypad lock for your front door. However, never make it easy for a burglar to break into your house.

  8. The dearth of home security

    Installing expensive security systems is not in every homeowner’s range. But you can still discourage potential intruders by making them think that your property is protected. Now you must be wondering, installing a timer or light sensors would be a great option. But there’s a more reliable solution than this.

    You can place some security signs on your lawn or stick a security decal on a window. Likewise, you can install dummy security cameras that look real. Also, a ‘beware of dogs’ sign will turn the potential intruders aside.

  9. Sharing vacation news on social media

    Social media has an equal number of pros and cons. On one side, it helps us to keep in touch with our friends and allows us to share our travel experiences. On another side, it also helps potential burglars to get information about our absenteeism at our home.

    That being the case, you should avoid putting such traveling posts on your social media accounts during your trip. Otherwise, you’ll give a big sign to criminals to commit burglary in your home. Keep your trip safe by simply informing your close friends and share pictures after your trip is over.

In conclusion

Arming yourself against any foreseeable risks while you’re away is the best way to be at peace. Above are some common home security mistakes that homeowners commit. So, if you’re also committing such mistakes, then prevent them. Besides security systems, there are also other vital tips for improving security; just implement them and safeguard your home all day long.


Hi, I am Olivia Robinson, a writer by both profession & passion. I combine my skills to share insights on various topics in a most interesting way.

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