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writing skills
By EILEEN CHIN 2,187 views

8 Tips To Enhance Writing Skills Effectively

Many students underestimate the significance of excellent writing skills. They struggle to write in English which raises many challenges for them. For example, they have to go through poor academic results.

Well, all students need to understand that grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are not the only aspects of enhancing writing skills. The writing must communicate the right messages well with clarity, precision, effectiveness, and many more factors. 

Typically, for developing effective writing skills, good knowledge of the English language and writing techniques is a must. The more the children will work on both factors, the stronger their writing skills will become.

So how can students effectively improve their writing skills? Consider implementing all the tips we are listing in this blog! But first, learn what exactly effective writing skill is.

What Is An Effective Writing Skill?

Well, effective writing skill is a technical skill that allows students to efficiently convey their thoughts and opinions in a written form. It completely refers to the ability and knowledge of the writing techniques to express ideas. 

An understanding of writing techniques and formats for different situations has a major role in improving writing skills. Thoughts and viewpoints might vary according to what is going to be written, but several factors remain the same that enhance the writing. 

Those specifically include:

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Sentence structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Analysis and accuracy
  • Clarity
  • Engaging

All these aspects of writing skills positively impact the quality of writing.

8 Top Ways To Improve Writing Skills 

Check Grammar And Spelling Basics

Grammar and spelling are the base of good writing. Let’s learn how?

  • Both factors help the students to convey their thoughts in comprehensive detail. As a result, it makes the writing easy to understand. 
  • In addition, knowing how and when to use punctuation such as semicolons, colons, em-dashes, and right tense is the appropriate way to structure sentences. Thus, enhancing the quality of writing.
  • Inaccurate spelling changes the sentence’s meaning. For instance, ‘bear’ and ‘bare’ are two individual words, having the same pronunciation but different meanings. Actually, ‘bear’ means a wild animal and ‘bare’ is empty.
  • Want to improve grammar and spelling? Start taking guidance from available resources such as a library, bookstores, and online. Significantly, online classes are the most convenient and quickest way to learn the language and develop effective writing skills. Tutors are skilled enough to guide according to the learning style of the students.

Read More And More

The best way to write well is by reading more and more. Reading books, online articles, or blogs in English benefits students in several ways. Learn how it helps:

  • When children will read others’ perceptions to convey their thoughts and ideas, they will grasp and learn them. This is the best way to get a clear idea of different writing styles and analyze how to use words properly.
  • Children should include daily reading practice in their writing improvement plans. They can even practice what they have read the entire day in small paragraphs. 
  • Moreover, just make sure the reading should not uninteresting. Select the books or articles of interest only. Read each paragraph multiple times to understand very well how to correctly use words in writing expressively.

Expand Vocabulary

To convey their points of view clearly, students need good vocabulary skills. Understand the directions:

  • A good vocabulary does not mean just knowing a lot of words, it’s much more about using those words correctly in the sentence. So, learn new words more and more with the right example sentences. Do not just write down the list of words. 
  • Use each word, and try them in the sentences with their synonyms, and prepositions that generally correspond well with them. For instance, rather than learning just the word ‘depend’, know how to use it with prepositions- depend on, depend upon, to be dependent.
  • Never use complex words as they can confuse the reader and make the writing look completely forced. So, include only simple and relevant words that will be understandable to others also.
  • Moreover, take help from an English dictionary to search for the words that need clarification with their meaning, synonyms, and antonyms. This will benefit the children not to repeat the same words, thus, improving their communication skills.

Make Writing An Everyday Practice

Indeed, practice makes perfect and it applies in the case of developing effective writing skills too. Let’s know how it benefits:

  • Set a goal to write on any topic daily. Make sure they should not be much lengthy and time-consuming. Even a simple one or two paragraphs are enough for a day!
  • Students can even write down how well they spend their entire day. Like what they did at school, what they study, play, etc. 
  • Another best way is to partner with the parents in writing effectively. Read each other’s write-ups and check where improvement is needed. 

Set A Clear Message

Nothing can be more frustrating and confusing than writing without any purpose. Wondering how?

  • Let’s imagine a piece of writing that is not exactly to the point asked. Will it be relevant, readable, and understandable to readers? No, it will not!
  • Therefore, always think first about what is asked and what messages to convey to the reader. Always ensure that these messages need to be clear from the start only. 
  • Think about which tone- formal or informal to take. Also, consider using humor if required to help set clear messages for getting easily to the details. These are the essential considerations that students must take into account before beginning the writing procedure.

Learn To Organize Paragraphs

An ideal approach to developing effective writing skills is learning how to systematically organize paragraphs. Here, learn the tips:

  • Begin writing the paragraphs according to the topic sentence. This means a sentence that describes what the write-up is all about.
  • Continue the paragraphs with supporting sentences. It specifies the sentences that provide detailed information about the asked topic. 
  • At last end the topic with a good conclusion. In general, this part should consist of a summary of the ideas stated in each paragraph. 

Learn To Elaborate Sentences Systematically

Well, learn the 5 basic sentence structures that will help enhance effective writing skills:

  • Subject –Verb (For instance, John is playing)
  • Subject –Verb –Object (For example, Rita reads books)
  • Subject –Verb –Adjective (Jonny is adorable)
  • Subject –Verb –Adverb (He speaks fluently)
  • Subject –Verb –Noun (My father is a doctor)

Make An Outline

For good writing, students need to understand the power of outlines:

  • Whether it is about writing composition, essays, or letters, outlining will provide a precise idea of what needs to be written. This gives the picture of what is the purpose of writing that can help to remain on a straight track, particularly for writing long narratives. 
  • Avoid creating the outline too overly, i.e it shouldn’t be full of information that is going to get mapped out in the entire write-up. Just note down only basic points that will be useful in coming back when in the middle of writing. 

Summing Up

Learning to write effectively will enable the students to convey their ideas perfectly. Reading, practicing writing each day, and getting familiarized with every basic rule of the English Language will let them write down what they want.

Though writing can be challenging initially, keep in mind that practice results in perfection. So, it’s the right time to sit, learn, and enhance your writing skills.

Eileen Chin

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