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increase organic traffic
By JACKREACHER 2,007 views

Top 8 Strategies To Increase Organic Traffic of Your Website

Digital marketing is the best channel to generate new B2B leads and increase organic traffic. You may want to consider a new lead source if you’re not seeing the same results from your sales campaigns or your sales reps are having trouble getting prospects to listen.

In this post, we’ll be discussing 8 strategies for optimizing your pages.

How to increase organic site traffic

Are you looking for a way to increase organic traffic to your corporate website? This is not an easy task.

Many companies are searching for a way to increase the traffic to their site, and make it appear on the first pages of Google search results. You can always hire a Digital Specialist for this if you don’t have time or the right person for doing the marketing tasks.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), is more than a set of rules. It requires that the site be transformed into a functional system.

These are 8 tools that can improve traffic quality.

  • Site content
  • Page title
  • Heading tags
  • Meta description
  • URLs
  • Images
  • Internal links
  • Meta keywords

8 ways to increase site traffic via SEO

If you don’t have an SEO strategy yet, these tips will help you improve your results. Or, learn how to properly set one up without wasting your time, energy, and money. This will increase your page’s visibility in search engines. While were are talking about marketing do you know how to get Instagram-sponsored ads?

There are many ways to increase SEO activities. We have selected 8 of them.

Site content

Remember that search engines are not the only ones who will use the content you create. While it is important to include keywords in your pages for the promotion campaign, the most important thing is that the material contains useful and meaningful information.

Tip: Search engines prefer new and relevant content. It is very common for site content to remain static. A blog can be a great choice.

You can update your blog every week. By writing new posts, you can establish a relationship with the audience, show expertise and authority in industry topics, and give Google new pages to index. This will help you attract visitors to your site naturally.

Title of the page

According to the experts, the title of web pages should not exceed 70 characters and must contain no more than three long tail keywords.

To increase site traffic and quality, ensure that your sections have unique names and links to the actual content.

Heading tags

Heading tags are used to format text and they don’t need to be afraid. These headers can be obtained in HTML for web writing using tags H1, H2, H3, and so on.

Google indexing is made easier by knowing how to use heading tags in a block text. They signal search engines which words are more important than others.

You can choose 1-2 pages for the title, section, paragraph, and body titles. These tags will be recognized by Google as real labels that indicate the topic of the page. This will bring you new visitors who are interested in your offers.

Meta descriptions

This expression refers to the textual information that is found in web search results just below a hyperlink. Its purpose is to describe to search engines the content of the site appearing among the results.

Experts advise that the meta description should not exceed 150 characters and include at least two keywords from the page name. A meta description is a way to explain why a user should click on the link and visit your website.


Your site address (URL) must include keywords. You can use the page name in any order, but make sure to write the most important keywords first. Google recognizes hyphens as separators for different words. However, it has yet to assign the same function to underscores (_).

SEO is a process that aims to increase traffic to a site. Each aspect of SEO plays a role in this goal.

Alt text for pictures

All images on a web page must be renamed with keywords. Although hyphens are still used to separate terms as with URLs, it is not necessary today because Google recognizes spaces between terms.

Remember to add alt-text to your HTML language return. This is a phrase or word that describes the image. Alt-text can be recognized by search engines and will allow you to attract more qualified users to your site.

Internal Links

Two to three links will connect your page to other sections of the website. Attracting visitors is only half the battle. You must be able to keep them on your site and encourage them to explore more.

Meta keywords

Although they no longer form part of the classification algorithms for HTML, the so-called meta tags, which are used in the HTML language are still useful. It is recommended to include at least 3-5 of them with the keywords you want to optimize your web page.


Jack Reacher, is a freelance writer, serial blogger, and speaker who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little-known facts.

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