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By EMANI ZENDAYA 6,630 views

7 Things Your Organization Needs to Know About VTO

As remote work becomes the norm for many organizations, it’s essential to proactively address the issues that can come with it. One of the biggest challenges can be managing your volunteers and their VTO (volunteer time off). A thorough understanding of how much VTO you have, what impact it’s having on your organization and how best to manage it will ensure that your employees are both happy and productive.

VTO at the Workplace

VTO has been around for quite some time, but it has become more common in the last few years. There are many ways an organization can use VTO. Employees can use it to improve productivity and increase their quality of life. Organizations can use it to keep employees happy, engaged, and healthy while reducing travel expenses, food costs, and space utilization.

What’s the Importance of VTO for Your Organization? 

Voluntary Time Off (VTO) has many uses, but one of its most important uses is to address personal needs. It can include taking care of family members or even yourself. It’s important to note that employees can use VTO for anything they need, so feel free to use more than one way of using this benefit. You might think that voluntary time off sounds like a vacation or sick days – and while they are similar in some ways, they’re also different in others! The primary goal with each of these types of leave is different. 

Vacations and sick days tend towards rest and recuperation; the Volunteers hour value addresses personal needs (which could mean anything from taking care of family members or pets to going out on a date). For example, Vacations are usually planned for at least a few weeks, while Voluntary Time Off often comes up much more spontaneously than sick days or vacation days require.

How to Measure if You Have a VTO?

Let’s look at ways to measure the potential for VTO in your organization:

  • Is there a correlation between the number of people working remotely and their productivity? 
  • How many hours are people working each week remotely? If they’re clocking more than 40 hours per week at home or in their car, consider limiting their workdays.
  • Is there a correlation between the number of people not working remotely and their productivity? If so, take action and limit remote access for this group until they get up-to-speed on what’s happening around them (in person).

To Build Boundaries Between Work & Life

The first step to building boundaries between work and life is defining what you want, not just what you don’t want. If you feel like your workload is getting in the way of your personal life and goals, it’s often because you’re unclear about what it would look like if everything were perfect. To start with, establish goals for both sides (work and life). The plan doesn’t have to be ambitious—just something that will give some direction for the future.

A Robust Tracking System

This system allows you to monitor results and make adjustments along the way. It begins from executive leadership down through frontline employees – to access data about conversion rates (the percentage of visitors who sign up), retention rates (the percentage of users who stay active over time), costs per acquisition (CPA), etc. Ideally, this system will enable managers at all levels within your organization. It will allow them to make smarter decisions when allocating budget or prioritizing projects.

Creating a Comprehensive VTO Program 

A comprehensive VTO program will be much more effective if it includes a comprehensive strategic plan and an approved funding strategy that allows you to allocate resources effectively while meeting administrative requirements. You need to know how much money is available for each activity and how much money will be given in each budget cycle so that you can plan accordingly.

Addressing VTO Issues Before They Take Place

It is the most crucial part of VTO planning. The goal is to prevent issues from arising in the first place, but if they do, you need to be able to address them quickly and effectively. Your team members will have questions about their roles during your time away and may need some help providing answers for themselves or others looking for guidance on how they should proceed without you. Take time with each member individually before the start date, so everyone feels confident about their expectations. It’ll ensure that they’re comfortable with their roles in your absence.

End Note

VTO (volunteer time off) is a growing trend in the workplace. It can be positive for all involved, but it’s not without its challenges. Working remotely can help to reduce stress and burnout. Not everyone is suited for VTO, so don’t assume that just because you work from home or another location, you’re eligible to take advantage of VTO without learning the primary objectives. The potential gain of executing a VTO policy is tremendous, organizations that put resources into social obligation can decrease worker turnover by half. As indicated by a review, distributed by Undertaking return on initial capital investment, organizations that offer VTO increment worker commitment by up to 7.5%

Emani Zendaya

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