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Here are Top 7 Exam Management Tips
By ADA BENTON 1,734 views

Here are Top 7 Exam Management Tips

First of all, one should look at exams on regular days and try to finish everything within regular study hours. But considering the competition these days, this is more like a dream situation, hardly feasible. So here we have compiled a list of top 7 ways to handle this seemingly critical phase. These are time-tested tips and provided by none other than Baba Ram Rahim Ji and lacs of students swear by these.

Start preparation early- Although its best to start preparing for exams,  beforehand, like having 2 months in hand is always a good way, to keep stress out. Start with reading books and every chapter once. Alongside keep highlighting and making notes of critical information, then read these notes, once before exams are about to start and once or twice when actual day arrives. This way your memory can retain all the critical info and does not disappoint you. And you can excel in your studies.

Study with focus and concentration- Always make sure you study at a time when you are focused enough. If, you are getting distracted by something, better to take a stroll and take a break from studies at that particular time. As anything studied now, will not be retained by you for long.

Meditate along with pranayama for improved concentration – How to improve focus and concentration one may ask as primary Question. So, here is the solution by the role model of millions Baba Ram Rahim Ji. And the solution is to meditate along with deep breaths or pranayama. This enhances your concentration by almost double. And you can definitely understand things easily and retain the stuff for longer.

Wake up early- Enough emphasis is given on this aspect, everywhere What Baba Ram Rahim Ji suggests, is one should wake up during Brahm – Muhurat, this is the time when maximum oxygen is found in the air around us. And this is also the time when you can find minimal noise and distractions around you. Thus, nature is helping you directly to bring in more out of yourself. Chances are you will be able to study, in half the time, or even 1/4th of regular time taken.

Make sure you pray before study- this is again a wonderful way, to get blessings from the Almighty to make you successful in your endeavor to study and get good results. Here again, you can ask for God’s blessings, for great memory, and enhanced brain functioning for better results.

Do not take stress go with the flow- Stress is your biggest enemy during exams. So always keep this out, with a positive company and some good music. Keep asserting your strengths, so you can keep negativity at bay. Even a goal sheet, every single morning, can keep you on your path and help in unnecessary distractions.

Follow this method to retain more – One simple method emphasized by Rev. Baba Ram Rahim Guru Ji is to drink water, then meditate for 5 minutes on God’s words, the site for study. This will make sure, you remember whatever you have studied or read. As, we are making our brain ready to retain more, with positive vibrations, this method works like a charm.

So next time, do not fret about the exams, just think them as regular days of the month and you are just going to perform as you do on your regular days. Believe me, exams are no different, just hyped and the brain thinks of these, as monstrous days and develops a fear for no reason.

Ada Benton

Hi, I'm Ada Benton, working as an online marketing consultant in a award winning marketing firm.

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