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Deskless Workers
By ADITI ARORA 9,549 views

5 Solutions to Effectively Engage Your Deskless Workers

The evolution of online platforms has progressed the rapid connection of communication establishment from one point to the other virtually. The creation of a team communication app for instant connection has brought phenomenal advancement in the field of hardware and tangible electronics. But, are we really connected yet after the technological advancements? Is this connection crucial?

Are the Industries Connected?

It is an understatement if we believe that the industries are not connected with their peer roots since we have a bunch of tools that are keeping everyone online and connected. From the sound of the notification to the ring of the call, the communication attendance ability is never missed from our earshot. But, are industries able to connect and communicate with all their employees who are desk-less and yet engaged?  

The answer to it is “No.” Industries are struggling to communicate and keep abreast of the latest activities with the Non Desk workers. Around 80% of the workers in any domain are desk-less no matter which industry they belong to. Without proper communication and streamline policies of engagement, there is a possibility that the organization might have to fight an intangible battle of productivity derived and a tangible battle of financial losses on the other hand.

Why is the deskless workforce so unengaged?

The higher executives in any organization should install a communication tool in place for connecting with the Non Desk workforce so that the motivation to perform the requisite tasks from their end is done with unimaginable productivity and efficiency. Yet, the gap between the bridge is a complaint by the Nondesk workforce. Why is that? 


  • They don’t work in an office environment and are often on the road.
  • They don’t have access to computers/laptops for a long period on any given day.
  • They receive dissimilar training sessions, unlike on-desk employees.
  • They don’t have domain-based corporate emails.
  • They have limited collaboration with on-desk employees and peers.
  • They don’t receive employee engagement news and updates of the organization.
  • They have limited corporate data in hand for more enhanced inputs and productivity.
  • They lack on receiving organizations vital corporate data on the go.
  • They feel unengaged and at the boundary.

Knowing all the above points surely reflects the size of the communication gap between the on-desk employees and the Nondesk workforce. Should the organization be concerned about the lack of communication? Yes, they should. If they don’t bridge the gap, they are looking at unexpected losses, lack of productivity in employees, lack of efficiency and motivation, and a less-fostered working environment.

Utilization of proper communication solutions is a must to not only engage the Nondesk workers but also mitigate the contingencies shaping into tangible form. 

Here are a few solutions that you can implement:

An Effective Communication Platform:

Without a proper communication tool in place, there is always a probability of risk in the expected financial turnover when it comes to Non-desk workers. Without a streamlined communication platform in place, the productivity yield shall be negative, and the output can differ on a visible scale to the organization’s turnover.

To curb the contingency, the organization can conduct an informal session with the Non Desk workers wherein they should not only share the tasks to be done rather enlighten the goals and measures to achieve that. This will engage the Nondesk workers and make them feel motivated about the impact of their contribution through their inputs.

The organization should also keep the employee engagement for the Non Desk workers transparent, share the news and activities effectively and keep sessions of work-measure metrics to listen to grievances as well as share measurements. They should allow the voice of the Nondesk workers, their opinions, and inputs on the company matters in a two-way loop.

Surveying and analyzing the gap of ineffective efficiency in one’s organization shall surely allow them to understand the depth of negative scenarios and the measurements to diminish them. These can only be possible if the Nondesk workers who are connected to the company are content with their expected relevancy.

Engagement through Google Forms and Spreadsheets:

Google Forms and Spreadsheets are some of the simplest interfaces to engage the Nondesk workers. Even with limited training sessions with the organization, the Nondesk worker can grasp the usage of the assistant tools. The transparent interface organizes the updated events or actions in a link that takes place in the organization to be seen by all the employees having access and authorization.

Google Forms boosts employee engagement while fulfilling the operational needs. With the utilization of pre-existing templates, the organization can create customized actionable events as per business needs such as training, onboarding, feedback forms, tracking company inventory, track of deskless worker’s activity, etc.

The Nondesk worker shall feel connected and engaged with all the activities happening as long as they are able to access the shareable links of Google Forms and Spreadsheets. The responsiveness of participation through the Google tools makes them share their voice in real-time as well as check the live edits in by the participants to respond to them as per the needs.

Embracing Mobile Learning:

Since the training of the Nondesk workers and the desk-workers are dissimilar in nature, the embracement of mobile learning is very important. The Nondesk worker needs a library of learning resources which they can scroll in on their mobile phones as they have limitations to attend the physical sessions in a dedicated workstation based on their nature of work. With a dedicated guide in the content library, the Nondesk worker can gather necessary skills that are relevant to them for continuing their operational efficiency rather than scheduling a training call on a future date even for priority assistance.

As per Comms Effectiveness Survey, almost 2/3rd of the Nondesk workers believed that the native apps of the organization for self-help libraries are more reliable to be accessed than third-party internet resources and data. The library can be assorted with segments of departments and the Nondesk workers can quickly navigate and leverage the user-generated content under the umbrella of a limited work efficiency module. The embracement of Mobile learning can prove to be a hub of in-context learning and implementing the process could be beneficial to both parties.

Monitoring and Personalization:

A personalized message can boost the morale of the Nondesk workers targeted to be communicated. The utilization of personalized messages with targeted context and timeline for appreciation can make the Nondesk workers rewarding and engaging. 

A personalized message cannot be a general message that can be communicated to everyone in the organization broadcast. These are segmented communication loops that are prepared to be shared to dissimilar groups, departments, locations, nature of jobs with the desired context, and actions with the prime benefit to reward the employees for their inputs. 

With proper monitoring of metrics of each employee in the dissimilar department, the output can be attained by welcoming rewarding milestones that can reflect unimaginable inputs.

Are the Non Desk workers content?

It is unpredictable to presume the accurate emotion and turmoil that the Nondesk workers might be going through while contributing their inputs to the organization. It is prime for the organization to conduct a grape-vine communication session to understand the psychological needs and assistance of the employees even or when there is a crisis.

This will ensure that the Nondesk workers feel satiated with the efforts to mitigate the communication gap and will boost their emotions. Through this engagement spectrum, the employees shall feel satiated, show signs of improvements in the key areas, and leverage effective solutions to improve and act upon them to enhance their output level to a huge extent. This will ensure that the organization is witnessing high turnover, higher productivity, less employee turnover rate, and engaging satisfaction with two-way communication. 

Closing lines…

Deskless workers are there to stay and can be the new trend of change even for the on-desk workers going forward. To stay connected and engage with them, it is necessary to have an effective and reliable communication platform solution that can vanish the outdated methods of communication in any organization or the segment of communications between departments.

The implementation of e-learning, adaptation of mobile phones, and constant communication can be advantageous for the organization as well as the employees who are on the road. The usage of native/effective communication platforms can diminish the hierarchical walls and virtually welcome the source of a constant communication channel between the management, peers, on-desk members to the Nondesk workers.

NuovoTeam is one of the most reliable and effective streamlined communication platforms that can bridge the gap of communication channels between the on-desk employees and Nondesk workers. NuovoTeam streamlines the passage of communication by driving employee engagement and managing internal communication that can connect the Nondesk workers far more engaged than outdated communication methodologies. Empower and leverage the inter-communication tool with collaboration and interaction without worrying about the organizational job roles or physical location.

Aditi Arora

I am a Creative Blogger and Social Media Marketing Manager. my interest is in researching the latest technologies of medical science and health awareness related topics in the worldwide.

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