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By JOE MAILLET 1,238 views

5 Czech Travel Destinations that will Inspire to Write a Novel

The Czech Republic is home to many famous novelists and artists: Milan Kundera, Karel Čapek, Vaclav Havel, Franz Kafka… It is a country of vibrant differences and colorful insights about the world and its people. It’s no wonder why some of the best novels in the world have been created on the Czech ground.

Writing tips for travelers

Travelling can change us even in a very short period of time. When you are exploring a new destination or looking at historic sites, you are connecting with that same part of you that likes to invent stories and build worlds. Here are some of the most important bits of advice for the traveling writer:

  • Stay grounded. It’s very easy to float away in your imagination when you’re visiting an impressive place. Still, you should hang on to your lucidity, because straying too far away from it will result in less desire to actually sit down and write.
  • Take a lot of photos. It might seem like you will remember everything you are just seeing, but visual inputs can quickly fade away. When you are inspired by a visual sight and you want to use it in a scene for your novel, take a photo of it. The future you will thank you for it.
  • Set aside a specific time for writing. Even if you really, really love writing, chances are that you won’t really be up to it while you are traveling. If this is the case with you, consider starting your work after you come home. If not, you should set aside a fixed time slot for writing every day and stick to it.
  • Don’t worry about correctness. Writing while you are traveling is exciting, but you shouldn’t waste any precious time. Save proofreading and editing efforts for the moments you are back home – where you can read through your novel again with a new pair of eyes.

Here are some of our travel recommendations in the Czech Republic that will inspire you to write a novel:

1) Prague

Prague is, of course, the king of inspiration when it comes to vibrant Czech life. Full of joyful and vivid neighborhoods and sights, it guarantees that you will be inspired to capture these bits of life into the written word. Many people agree that it is among the most romantic cities in the world. This could inspire you to write the next big romance.


Kundera’s irresistible Unbearable Lightness of Being is set in Czech Republic’s capital. According to critics, the life of the city is so heavily featured in the novel that it can be considered a character on its own.

In another vision of this magnificent city, Angelo Mario Ripellino offers a full view of the beauties and mysteries of the city in Magic Prague. This book surely inspired thousands of trips to the city on Vltava.

2) Brno

Brno is Czech Republic’s second-biggest city, famous for its big student community and breath-taking old town. The Glass Room and On the Overgrown Path are just some of the novels set in this beautiful city.


3) Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary is a famous historical spa town that’s famous for its sights, atmosphere and especially guests. This small city has hosted many important people and events throughout history and it’s definitely something you can feel walking through its streets.

More than novels, Karlovy Vary has been used as a film location due to its cinematographic looks and picturesque sights surrounding the town. It was used as the location of Casino Royale and Last Holiday, among others.

Some places just have a special aura because of the people that visit them and events that go down there. Karlovy Vary is definitely one of those towns. While you’re walking the streets, having a cup of coffee in a romantic café or just relaxing in a park, you will always feel the special power of this place.


4) Kutna Hora

Just like Karlovy Vary, Kutna Hora is another popular Czech tourist destination that can serve as the perfect setting for a novel. It’s very close to Prague, so it is great to combine these two cities in your itinerary. They are architecturally similar, but the gothic vibe of Kutna Hora will leave you breathless.

Most likely, this jaw-dropping castle will inspire you to write a historical novel or fiction set in the Middle Ages. When we read about big kingdoms and castles, this is what most of us actually imagine. Now, just visualize actually seeing that in real life and how inspired you would feel!


5) Krkonose National Park

If you are one of those writers who gets really inspired by nature, you will be absolutely thrilled by Krkonose national park. No matter the type of novel you are working on, this place will help connect you to the most primal, natural version of yourself.

For a change, you will be able to step outside of your mind for a minute and just enjoy the wonders of the present moment. There is no better place to do that than in nature. Also, it’s very easy to combine this destination with other cities in Czechia, so you will not have to sacrifice any kinds of experiences.


Traveling and creative writing have always been closely related. Throughout history, we can witness accounts of novelists and writers traveling to foreign lands for inspiration and motivation. Travelling gets us out of our comfort zone and helps us put things into a different perspective – which is a perfect ingredient for novel writing.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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