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Work from Home
By LORI WADE 17,495 views

10 Productivity Tips to Better Work from Home

Are you tired of this “work from home” system? Don’t worry because you are not alone. As work from home has become the new normal, many people are still struggling to adapt to this system. Though working from home gives you an avenue to work from your home’s four walls, it can be challenging to focus on work. But you have to cultivate the habit to love your new and possibly your long-term office because several organizations will surely maintain this system even after the ongoing pandemic. Here, we have analyzed the ten best tips to enhance your productivity as you work from your home.

Ten ways to improve your productivity

  • Set up a workspace

 A comfortable, organized, and secure workspace is essential to ensure productivity as you work remotely. It will help if you consider factors like your job requirement and the resources at the disposal. Designate a particular area free from distractions. Replicate your office as much as possible, as this will help activate the “Work Mode” once you set in for work. 

  • Setup work schedule

It gets hard to progress without efficient planning. To ensure commitment to work, you must clearly define your working hours if possible write it down in a form of bullet journaling to ensure efficient time management against procrastination and duty negligence. Let your time be based on your productive hours when you are always active for work. Inform your colleagues, boss, and team about your work routine.

  • Dress up

Getting up and dressing for the day’s work helps define a distinction between work and other aspects of your life. It does not have to be your office dresses. Getting out of bed and off your sleeping dress/pajamas will trigger your body’s readiness for work.

  • Update your to-do list each morning

Start your day by analyzing the day’s goals. Then, set up a detailed To-Do list and follow it up. Make daily targets, milestones, and deadlines for each task. Don’t be set back by a missed or failed task. Also, use a planner or calendar to make an extensive plan for the day, week, etc. You can use it to keep track of activities and work in progress. 

  • Invest in comfortable and efficient devices

Your work will determine your choice of devices. You may have to invest in quality headsets or earbuds and cameras if your job often requires video calls. This will offer better communication than your laptop’s built-in microphone.

  • Celebrate your progress  

This is one of the psychological approaches to enhance mentality. It is a simple method but works effectively to help you achieve your targets. Go for breaks or walk within your neighborhood. Give yourself a weekend treat for an achievement. Use activities that you always enjoy doing as an incentive to celebrate yourself after every achievement.

  • Avoid social media distractions

Social media platforms are highly time-consuming if you are not careful. Avoid unnecessary use of social media during your working hours to focus on your work. If your job structure requires that you use these platforms, cultivate the habit of turning off applications that are not work-related. Also, turn off notifications and updates for social media apps during working hours.

  • Stay connected

Communication is critical in working remotely. Working from home calls for regular online meetings, video calls, conference calls, mail messages, etc. Get a good connection service. Staying connected will enable you to access your team, boss, and organization’s latest information and work progress.

  • Productive time-managing apps

With the latest expansion of digitalization, work from home has never been more accessible.

You can access various time tracker software and applications to help you plan and utilize your time efficiently. With the overtime tracker, you will be able to manage your team’s time in just one tool at no significant cost.

  • Be patient

Patience is a good habit you must cultivate. Be patient with your team, colleagues, family, or yourself. Many of your colleagues are also struggling to adapt to the new system. Be understanding and flexible to ease this work phase for yourself, team, and family.


And finally, let’s give you a bonus tip, and this is dedicated to your health. You must eat healthy foods, get exercise, sleep, and stay healthy as you work remotely.

We hope you are already motivated to put in your best and follow the above work from home productivity tips. You can share this with your colleagues and loved ones. Is there a ‘Work from home” trick or tip you incorporate and is not stated here? Or you have a question about this work system? Kindly leave your contribution or question as a comment below.

Lori Wade

Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions, Lori is now engaged in news and conceptual articles on the topic of business.

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